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Bad underwater effects and oxygenmeter


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As you know, the underwater graphics of Skyrim are really awful. If we can look other vanilla graphics of Skyrim, the underwater effects may be come from a PSone game.

To be more precise; green borders appear on our body and everything are seems much more blur when we dive. I want you to suggest me a stable and lore-friendly(%99.9 of them are probably lore-friendly, they should put an Atlantis like city somewhere underwater to be able to do non-lore-friendly :smile: ) mod to fix these issues.

And ofcourse there should be an oxygenmeter. How can I learn when my character's breath is over? Ofcourse I can't cuz, there isn't an oxgyenmeter. But, there should be one. Even tough its design doesn't fit Skyrim much, Oblivion's oxgyenmeter for Skyrim (it means Oblivion's oxygenmeter directly converted to Skyrim, no changing for its appearance or other things) even works for me.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by AssassinWizard
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I wonder how many mods you installed without reading description.


There is oxygenmeter in vanilla skyrim.

Also, are you using mods that alter the water? ENB?


I hadn't tried any mods about graphics. I am downloading some mods now and I will probably install Skyrim in a couple of days. I have downloaded "W.A.T.E.R." and I think to try this. I don't know if there is an oxygenmeter or not in vanilla Skyrim but, in my game there is not.

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" I will probably install Skyrim in a couple of days."


"I have downloaded "W.A.T.E.R." "


What? "I think to try this.", Try what?


"I don't know if there is an oxygenmeter or not in vanilla Skyrim but, in my game there is not."

Well, did you read the description of WATER?

It does change a lot when it comes to water and such, so my best guess is you didn't read description and that one is causing issues to you.


Which version of Skyrim you are using? Or going to download?

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" I will probably install Skyrim in a couple of days."


"I have downloaded "W.A.T.E.R." "


What? "I think to try this.", Try what?


"I don't know if there is an oxygenmeter or not in vanilla Skyrim but, in my game there is not."

Well, did you read the description of WATER?

It does change a lot when it comes to water and such, so my best guess is you didn't read description and that one is causing issues to you.


Which version of Skyrim you are using? Or going to download?


I have played Skyrim but it isn't in my computer now. I will install it, again.


I didn't read description of "W.A.T.E.R.", just searched "Water"-titled mods and downloaded one of the most-liked.


The graphic mod called "W.A.T.E.R."


I will use the latest official patch called "1.9".


Gotcha, dude?

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Well, do you mind reading the mod description?


I did but; I couldn't see anything about "underwater". There are improvements just about "water". In other words, I want to imrpove graphics of "underwater" not "water surface". Surface of water isn't bad at vanilla but; its under is awful.

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If the game is not currently installed on your system, how you know it's bad?


Post screenshots of what you mean.


I have played Skyrim but it isn't in my computer now. I will install it, again.


You should've missed :smile:


I have written same message twice but, I didn't want to.

Edited by AssassinWizard
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