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Skyrim wont start with mods on Windows 8.1


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I recently bought new computer with Windows 8.1, instaled Skyrim, works without problem however when i instaled some of my favorite mods and launch skyrim it stuck on black screen, after some digging and trying I findout that problem was that when there was more than twenty-thirty plugins active for some reason the game wont start, I tried varios thing (load order, etc) to fix this but nothings works so far, I tried looking for some fix on internet but didn't find anything so I would by glad for any suggestions how to fix this issue.



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As far as I know you can have up to 250 mods without problems. Where is it stuck btw? Does it stay in the main menu without the menu options? Or does it not even get past the bethesda logo? Does the program close automatically or does it freeze?

Also what is your mods list, have you used tes5edit and loot order, have you checked to see if any of your mod plugins was missing a master plugin.

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game just start and stuck on black screen not even bethesda logo shows and yes i tried tes5edit to sort mod order, no matter what mods are active if there are more than thirty plugins active game launch but stuck on black screen, when there are less than thirty mods (30-25) skyrim sometime start properly and sometimes not (ussualy on third or fourth try), when there are below 25 plugins active it starts normally

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I run my game on win8.1 with no problems.

I suggest you reinstall the game and make sure you Do not install it in the default Program Files(86) section.

C:\Users\UserName\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common that way there are no read/write permission issues as Program Files will have.


additionally Run either BOSS or LOOT (I use LOOT) to ensure your load order is correct.

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