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COL Enclave Replacer


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Im having some trouble figuring out what i all need to use. There is really no readme file, just some info under each file. The pictures show recon, telsa, and hellfire armors. I would like it if the colors were random, but from what im reading only 1 color can be used. If i were to guess this is what i would pick out for using the orange.


Esp and New Meshes

Orange Textures Enhanced

Enclave Recon Armor

Hell Fire New Meshes and Esp

Hellfire Texture Orange

New Telsa Helm - Orange


Im assuming this is correct. Can someone tell me what the seperate ESPs does? Im gathering from the info under the file, that it only allows that one thing to spawn? Also what about the Telsa armor, is that included in any of these besides the new helm? I just want to make sure i got all 3 types of replacements for the enclave armors.

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