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Companion/pet mods


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Has anyone made any good/fully explainable creature/pet mod tutorials for oblivion?


For instance, using the Brown Bear model, is it possible to create a larger, more powerful White Polar Bear? And one that will ''wait'' or ''follow'' on command? The summon creature effect is pretty poor imo as owning a proper pet/companion is a must. Has anyone written extensively on scripting such a creature?


I'm a n00b when it comes to scripting, but I'm also a fast learner. I'd love to see a well written, fully explained tutorial that shows the novice modder how to create a good companion mod. Kudos for listening

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Has anyone made any good/fully explainable creature/pet mod tutorials for oblivion?


For instance, using the Brown Bear model, is it possible to create a larger, more powerful White Polar Bear? And one that will ''wait'' or ''follow'' on command? The summon creature effect is pretty poor imo as owning a proper pet/companion is a must. Has anyone written extensively on scripting such a creature?


I'm a n00b when it comes to scripting, but I'm also a fast learner. I'd love to see a well written, fully explained tutorial that shows the novice modder how to create a good companion mod. Kudos for listening


I'm not sure about a tutorial for animal companions, but there IS a tutorial for normal CM Companions, and there's also a mod that adds animal CM companions. Lemme find the links...


CM Partners mod


Ashara's CM Partners Beasts


The tutorial is included with the docs in the CM Partners mod. I haven't read it so I'm not sure if it explains how to make animal companions, but if you're a decent scripter you could open the guts of Ashara's and see how she did it. You may not want to create your own once you see hers, though. They are breathtakingly gorgeous, particularly if you're into large carnivores as pets... her big cats and wolves, just stunning. She's also got your big white polar bear in there, and a regular bear as well.

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  • 6 months later...

if any knows how to find such a tutorial or can tell me how to convert a cm dog or something onto the mesh of a rooster thatd be great

what ima try to do is take a rooster from mr siikas farmanimals and create a new form from a cm dog that came with the CM partners mod. if their is a better solution please tell me.

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