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armor/clothing meshes messed up


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I'm currently trying to make a armor/clothing mod for females(will make similar for males) by using most of the female base model and a part of the lingerie model in 3ds max '09. I have no problem with putting the pieces from the 2 models together or with editing the textures. My problem is when the mesh is in game. The first pic shows what happens when I use the mesh in game right after exporting from max. Some issues with the mesh and its shiny(likely a problem with the normal map). The issues in this pic are only seen in game, not in nifskope or max(not sure about geck yet but i guess it is the same as in game). The second pic shows what happens in game when using the nifskope data copy/paste method after exporting from max. Each vertex of the UpperBody mesh appears to be doing its own little thing. In nifskope it appears fine, but in max the UpperBody mesh is not there while the rest is present and accounted for. I did try to make this using blender but every time i exported, the meshes always ended up in smaller sections. The Arms mesh became 3 meshes and the UpperBody mesh became 2 meshes.





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Its shiny cos of some unappropriate shader flag in BSShaderPPLightingProperty (propably SF_MULTIPLE_TEXTURES).

And mad vertexes - can be vertex weight issue. (if you forget about Skin and BSDismemberSkinModigier in max)

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