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The legend of zelda: Ocarina of time.


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OK! so I was thinking of making my own mod, but I may as well ask here.


I was hoping maybe someone could alter fallout 3 to resemble the legend of Zelda: ocarina of time. I know this sounds like a large task and it is.


-obvious stuff: Modify maps, enemies, ect.


-All the damage would have to be modified so it does a certain amount of damage against you.

-no guns

-Sword modifications

-I was thinking maybe levels could be like hearts, every time a boss is killed, you gain a "heart". Your health bar would be one heart. (and maybe for balance you start out with only 1 "Heart")

-No perks

-Healing items heal on pickup.

-remove in-game stealing.

-remove jumping, and make it automatic when reaching a ledge (like in ocarina of time)

-Use child form until you reach the master sword

-Vats would be modified to be the Z-targeting system. (and maybe for ease purposes, it could be changed to spacebar since jumping will be removed).

-Pip-boy would be like an inventory slate or something

-The stone of Agony could be used in place of the enemy blip system. (the red ticks).


-More stuff

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Perhaps you should try this in oblivion rather then fallout 3 less changes need to be made and you have a much wider base to work with. As a matter of fact i think there's a Zelda OOT mod for oblivion.
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OK! so I was thinking of making my own mod, but I may as well ask here.


I was hoping maybe someone could alter fallout 3 to resemble the legend of Zelda: ocarina of time. I know this sounds like a large task and it is.


-obvious stuff: Modify maps, enemies, ect.


-All the damage would have to be modified so it does a certain amount of damage against you.

-no guns

-Sword modifications

-I was thinking maybe levels could be like hearts, every time a boss is killed, you gain a "heart". Your health bar would be one heart. (and maybe for balance you start out with only 1 "Heart")

-No perks

-Healing items heal on pickup.

-remove in-game stealing.

-remove jumping, and make it automatic when reaching a ledge (like in ocarina of time)

-Use child form until you reach the master sword

-Vats would be modified to be the Z-targeting system. (and maybe for ease purposes, it could be changed to spacebar since jumping will be removed).

-Pip-boy would be like an inventory slate or something

-The stone of Agony could be used in place of the enemy blip system. (the red ticks).


-More stuff

Wouldnt it be alot easier to just play Zelda instead?

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