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New Laptop


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I've been playing Fallout 3 on 360, but I want to get it for the PC to use all these awesome mods I've been seeing on the internet. I was already planning on buying a new computer to run games like this, I just need to know if either one of these is capable of running them at the highest settings.






If they are not good enough to run it, can someone point me in the right direction?


Thanks very much

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They are both more than capable of running Fallout 3 at max settings, especially the second one with the 1024MB GeForce GT 230M, even upgradeable. The first has a pretty tiny HD (320GB) if you consider the quite hefty price and intend playing other games on it.


Except for the price, there's nothing that speaks for the first one (Dell) if you compare it with the second one (HP) which is clearly superior in terms of performance.

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