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Nicknames - script and code


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I was wondering how does the script that determines what nick will a char get look like? It must be something that takes into account both class and gender and I'm interested in that part of the code. Could someone with ue explorer on their system be good enough to share the script and underlying code here? Unfortunately ue is not working on linux so i can't.

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As you say, the nicknames are broken down by class and gender, so there are 10 different nickname arrays. Soldier nationality doesn't play a part :


Defined in XComGame.XGCharacterGenerator:

var const localized array<localized string> m_arrMHeavyNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrMAssaultNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrMSniperNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrMSupportNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrMMECNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrFHeavyNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrFAssaultNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrFSniperNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrFSupportNicknames;
var const localized array<localized string> m_arrFMECNicknames;

The code for XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateNickname is pretty straightforward :

function GenerateNickname(int iGen, XGTacticalGameCoreData.ESoldierClass eClass, out string strNickName)
    if(iGen == 2)
            case 2:
                strNickName = m_arrFHeavyNicknames[Rand(m_arrFHeavyNicknames.Length)];
            case 4:
                strNickName = m_arrFAssaultNicknames[Rand(m_arrFAssaultNicknames.Length)];
            case 1:
                strNickName = m_arrFSniperNicknames[Rand(m_arrFSniperNicknames.Length)];
            case 3:
                strNickName = m_arrFSupportNicknames[Rand(m_arrFSupportNicknames.Length)];
            case 6:
                strNickName = m_arrFMECNicknames[Rand(m_arrFMECNicknames.Length)];
        case 2:
            strNickName = m_arrMHeavyNicknames[Rand(m_arrMHeavyNicknames.Length)];
        case 4:
            strNickName = m_arrMAssaultNicknames[Rand(m_arrMAssaultNicknames.Length)];
        case 1:
            strNickName = m_arrMSniperNicknames[Rand(m_arrMSniperNicknames.Length)];
        case 3:
            strNickName = m_arrMSupportNicknames[Rand(m_arrMSupportNicknames.Length)];
        case 6:
            strNickName = m_arrMMECNicknames[Rand(m_arrMMECNicknames.Length)];

A conditional on gender, with a switch/case over class within each branch.

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Ok so in hex that looks like (I broke it down to be more easier to spot segments):




DB B9 00 00 51 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 B9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C4 B9 00 00 00 00 00 00 83 01 00 00 69 32 00 00 D2 01 00 00 46 01 00 00


07 F1 00 9A 00 C4 B9 00 00 2C 02 16


05 C3 B9 00 00 00 00 C3 B9 00 00 0A 4B 00 24 02


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B6 B9 00 00 16 01 B6 B9 00 00 06 EE 00 0A 73 00 24 04


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B5 B9 00 00 16 01 B5 B9 00 00 06 EE 00 0A 9B 00 24 01


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B4 B9 00 00 16 01 B4 B9 00 00 06 EE 00 0A C3 00 24 03


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B3 B9 00 00 16 01 B3 B9 00 00 06 EE 00 0A EB 00 24 06


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B2 B9 00 00 16 01 B2 B9 00 00 06 EE 00 0A FF FF 06 CF 01


05 C3 B9 00 00 00 00 C3 B9 00 00 0A 2C 01 24 02


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 BB B9 00 00 16 01 BB B9 00 00 06 CF 01 0A 54 01 24 04


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 BA B9 00 00 16 01 BA B9 00 00 06 CF 01 0A 7C 01 24 01


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B9 B9 00 00 16 01 B9 B9 00 00 06 CF 01 0A A4 01 24 03


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B8 B9 00 00 16 01 B8 B9 00 00 06 CF 01 0A CC 01 24 06


0F 48 C2 B9 00 00 10 A7 36 01 B7 B9 00 00 16 01 B7 B9 00 00 06 CF 01 0A


FF FF 04 0B 53 00 00 00 02 00 42 00 29 37 00 00 00 00 00 00


Now I am interested in "if(iGen == 2)" part. That's

07 F1 00 9A 00 C4 B9 00 00 2C 02 16



How would I write this part in pseudo-code?


07 <reference> 9A 00 <reference> 00 00 2C 02 16




I'm really new to this and don't know how to get those references.


Basically I would want to know how to write that part of the code to use it elsewhere to add gender bias to class selection..

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Ok but if I wanted to make a call to that variable fromanother function i different upk it would have to look like this:






Apparently not I get:


Bad object name: XComGame.XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateNickname.iGen
Bad token: <XComGame.XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateNickname.iGen>
Invalid/empty data!
Execution stopped at #7 command named [REPLACEMENT_CODE].


Edited by Amphibious
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You can't use local variables which belong to one function from inside another function. We tried and discovered recently that "borrowed" variables often cause CTD.


Furthermore, to call some object from inside an other upk, this object must be present in upk import table.

Edited by wghost81
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mph, this was futile work then. Perhaps I could use XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender to do the same thing since it's the only gender parameter present in strategygame.upk. This was the original plan actually.


Here is the sample of how I want the code to look like just instead of stat[1] (aim) I would like to use gender as a condition in this function



// if (kSoldier.m_kChar.aStats[1] >= 70) {

07 [@AimMe] 99 1A 2C 01 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter.aStats> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter> 00 01 19 00 <.kSoldier> 09 00 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 00 01 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 2C 46 16


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07 // if

[@AimMe] // patchupk label reference

99 // >= begin

1A // static array element access

2C 01 // element index - integer constant

35 // struct member access

<struct.member.ref> // struct member object reference

<struct.ref> // struct object reference

00 01 // unknown separator

19 // class member access

00 // local variable

<.ref> // local variable reference

09 00 // object virtual size

<member.var.ref> // member variable object reference

00 01 // unknown separator

<member.var.ref> // member variable object reference

2C 46 // int const 70

16 // >= end

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Thanks for breaking it down however my frankenscode still doesn't work it crashes the game.


I tried to join part of your code for gender ratios and this one but was unsuccessful so far.



//kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender = ( (eForceGender != 0) ? eForceGender : ( (Rand(100) < 25) ? 2 : 1 ) );

0F 35 <XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier>
38 3A 00 <.eForceGender>



I wanted to fetch the kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender so i copied the boldened part of the code. Did I do it right?


My code looks like this now:


// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {

07 [@AimLo_GenFe] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16


Do you see any mistakes here? Code writes well to upk but it resulted in game not starting at all. Is it even possible to do what I'm trying here?


p.s. I assumed gender 1 is male and gender 2 is female.

Edited by Amphibious
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