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Nicknames - script and code


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Hmmm... I have a problem. The scripts writes well and doesn't cause the game to crash however desired effect is left out for some reason.


So I tried to rewrite it to set all males to snipers and all female to heavies; I got 1 male support, 2 male and 1 female heavy. great :mad:


here is the script itself:




// m_arrClassWaitingList.Length = 0;
0F 36 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 00

// kSoldier = GetSoldierByID(iNumSoldiers)
0F 00 <.kSoldier> 1B <GetSoldierByID> 00 <.iNumSoldiers> 16

// if (kSoldier != none) {
07 [@SoldierFound_END] 77 00 <.kSoldier> 2A 16

// if (kSoldier.m_kChar.aStats[1] > 70) {
07 [@Aim68] 97 1A 2C 01 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter.aStats> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter> 00 01 19 00 <.kSoldier> 09 00 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 00 01 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 2C 46 16

// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@Aim76_Mid] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(1);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 01 16

06 [@Aim76_END]
// } else if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 2) {
07 [@Aim76_Low] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 02 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(2);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 02 16

06 [@Aim76_END]
// } else {
// m_arrClassWaitingList.Length = 1;
0F 36 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 01
// m_arrClassWaitingList[0] = 1;
0F 10 25 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 01
// }

// }
06 [@Aim_END]

// else if (kSoldier.m_kChar.aStats[1] > 62) {
07 [@Aim60] 97 1A 2C 01 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter.aStats> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter> 00 01 19 00 <.kSoldier> 09 00 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 00 01 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 2C 3E 16

// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@Aim68_Mid] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(1);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 01 16

06 [@Aim68_END]
// } else if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 2) {
07 [@Aim68_Low] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 02 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(2);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 02 16

06 [@Aim68_END]
// } else {
// m_arrClassWaitingList.Length = 1;
0F 36 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 01
// m_arrClassWaitingList[0] = 2;
0F 10 25 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 02
// }

// }
06 [@Aim_END]

// else if (kSoldier.m_kChar.aStats[1] > 54) {
07 [@AimOther] 97 1A 2C 01 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter.aStats> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TCharacter> 00 01 19 00 <.kSoldier> 09 00 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 00 01 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kChar> 2C 36 16

// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@Aim60_Mid] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(1);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 01 16

06 [@Aim60_END]

// } else if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 2) {
07 [@Aim60_Low] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 02 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(2);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 02 16

06 [@Aim60_END]
// } else {
// m_arrClassWaitingList.Length = 1;
0F 36 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 01
// m_arrClassWaitingList[0] = 3;
0F 10 25 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 03
// }

// }
06 [@Aim_END]

// else {

// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@AimOther_Low] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(1);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 01 16

06 [@AimOther_END]
// } else {

// m_arrClassWaitingList.add(2);
55 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 03 00 2C 02 16

// }

// }

// if (m_arrClassWaitingList.length > 1) {
07 [@EmptyWaitingList_END] 97 36 01 <@m_arrClassWaitingList> 2C 01 16
// GetLeastCommonClass();
1B <GetLeastCommonClass> 16
// }

// }

// return
04 0B

// EOS


Obviously I don't understand how this function/script works exactly. The bold part at the end of each aim range is unclear to me, what does it do exactly?


I thought that is class isn't listed under set certain set of condition it won't be assigned to that soldier.


Either that or gender conditions don0't work here what would be even worse.




I'll make some more test on the original script perhaps I manage to figure how it behaves.

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Ok, after testing I know that the problems is in this part of the script:


// if (kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@Aim68_Mid] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 00 <.kSoldier> 2C 01 16



If written like this it's simply ignored as if no soldier at all fit this description, and that is the best case scenario. Tried to alter it and I either get crash at start or crash upon returning to base. I don't now what else to try.

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This code or the code which gets executed if the condition is true?


I suggest you invite original mod author to this topic. He changed how original scripts work very much, so it will take a lot of work for me to read through this new code and understand it. And, as I said, I'm devoting all my XCOM time to LW Linux version now. :smile:


PS Download UPKModder archive. It has operand_data.ini file inside, which contains all the XCOM tokens. This will help you to read through scripts, as you don't have access to UE Explorer.

Edited by wghost81
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@Amineri could you please post the script for XGCharacterGenerator.GenerateName as well. Thx


I think I know what's making troubles. It seems that referencing is slightly different when setting a variable and when calling it.


Perhaps something useful might surface in function mentioned above.

Edited by Amphibious
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You can't simply copy a part of one code into another code.


kSoldier variable has different type for both functions.


DEMOAddNewSoldiers has it defined as

local XGStrategySoldier kSoldier

and CreateTSoldier defines it as

local TSoldier kSoldier


So, ultimately, you're working with different objects and kSoldier variable of XGStrategySoldier has TSoldier variables stored inside member variable named m_kSoldier:

var TSoldier m_kSoldier


So, to access soldier gender of XGStrategySoldier toy have to look for it in kSoldier.m_kSoldier:


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Yes, this is part of the joy of doing object-oriented programming via hex-editing :D


Even better, local variables such as :

local XGStrategySoldier kSoldier;

have a different export object reference for each function they are defined in, and the values are unrelated to each other.


For example, in XGFacility_Barracks.AddNewSoldiers, kSoldier has reference 18 32 00 00

However, in XGFacility_Barracks.ChooseHQAssaultSquad, kSoldier has reference 4B 32 00 00


Using the wrong reference will, in the best case, result in code that doesn't work, and in the worst case, code that crashes the game.

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ok, i roughly understand why it isn't working now. but still i i don't understand how it should be written to work....



and actually i didn't even try to access XGStrategySoldier with my piece of code but the one from xcomgame.


i think i'll probably give up on this since i don't understand how it works

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I get i now!!! I figured out how it works, thanks wghost81 it's exactly as you said I just didn't understand how it works at the beggining. this is the final code that actually gets the job done:


// if (kSoldier.m_kSoldier.kAppearance.iGender == 1) {
07 [@AimOther] 9A 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance.iGender> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TAppearance> 00 00 35 <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier.kAppearance> <XComGame.XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase.TSoldier> 00 01 19 00 <.kSoldier> 90 00 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kSoldier> 00 01 <XGStrategySoldier.m_kSoldier> 2C 01 16



In my test mod I got all females set to snipers and males to support. Now can can go and edit the main mod file to get the desired effect. Thank you so very much again.

Edited by Amphibious
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