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I don't see why not, for game mechanic reasons I won't allow two attacks per turn, unless of course you want to loose a lot of defensive points concentrating on the second attack. You can use the second like a shield if you want, to parry, but in order for that to be effective you need to be proficient in block, just to be fair.


Well things looking pretty good so far, here's the list of players just to make sure that I have things straight.




I Am That Is Matthias




That makes 5, one more and we're at full capacity, any more after that and I start choosing whos in and whose out.


As a disclaimer if it comes to choosing I'm basing my decisions on the quality, authenticity, and general cooperation with various partys in other RP threads. It's nothing against you personally and I don't honestly foresee many other people (if at all) signing up for this RP.


For the first post I'll lay some ground rules and for those of you who haven't I suggest committing to memory the rules for RPing.


Also in other news I'm in the final stages of setting up the combat rules I'll be using, and most likely I'll be posting them so everyone knows just how I'm determining how combat is run. All other skills are a % check against the % difficulty I set for the task (i.e. lvl 50 lock against a skill lvl 10 security leaves a 10% chance to succeed. All I'm doing is subtracting the difficulty from the skill level and taking the remainding number and again subtracting that from the difficulty level to get a % chance to succeed, so for a lvl 50 skill it would be 50 (diff) - 50 (skill) = 0 (chance of error); 50 (diff) - 0 (chance of error) = 50 (chance of success), then i multiply by whatever number gives me 100 and that gives me the final % chance of success 50 x 2 = 100 % chance of succeeding)


It still might need some work, but just to be clear....NONE OF THE PC's HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THE TECHNICAL RULES, I'M ONLY PUBLISHING THEM SO YOU CAN SEE HOW I'M CALCULATING THE %'s. They still need some playtesting to determine if the calculation is valid (thank god for statistics and PSII, scatterplots are my friend).


Still don't know how exactly I'm going to work damaging spells into the game (and it doens;t look like anyone has them at this point, if I'm wrong just post.

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I don't see why not, for game mechanic reasons I won't allow two attacks per turn, unless of course you want to loose a lot of defensive points concentrating on the second attack. You can use the second like a shield if you want, to parry, but in order for that to be effective you need to be proficient in block, just to be fair.

End quote.


My character is proficient in blocking: it's a primary skill of her. So, OK then !

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ok adding wesaynothing to the list that takes us up to a full party....any other additions and it's time for me to consider who stays and who goes.


the original post got deleted or something, I blame the recent forum crash, but no matter, things are still going strong. I'm getting really pumped about this, in my english class i finalized the equation for success or failure when using a skill, I still wanna test it out some more but for those of you who are interested this is what I'm going to be using:


Difficulty - SkillLvL = Error

Difficulty - Error = BaseSuccess

BaseSuccess x Difficulty/100 = Difficulty/BaseSuccess(100) = % Chance to Succeed


It might need to be reworked in some places but for the several equations I have made it seems to fit this model to my liking, so it will either be this or some variation of that equation. Combat might work in much the same way as for hitting and blocking. But again, none of the players have to worry about this, all you have to do is post a response to either your success or failure (I am extremely generous with XP if you come up with really impressive combat threads, but if you overkill it and make it long I'll punish you for it). Also, everytime you succeed at something the XP you get will be 1/10 (rounded down) of your actaul skill, so the higher you get in a skill the faster it levels (everytime you succeed in a hit with a lvl 50 skill you get 5 XP in that skill, it takes 100 XP to level a skill by 1, just like in the game).


Also, this is going to be the only technical thing I'll need from players but very necessary for me to keep track of. I need you all to PM me with the final base score for all of your major and minor skills, be sure to take race into account. I would suggest taking 15 min or so to make a character in game and record their skills. Sorry if this might be an inconvinience but I really need to know who is capable of what. Remember to PM me, DON'T POST THEM IN HERE, OTHER PARTY MEMBERS SHOULDN'T KNOW YOUR EXACT CAPABILITIES.

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Character´s name: Súrion

Race: Imperial (Voice of the Emperor and Star of the West)

sex: male


Height: 1,87m


Brightsign: The warrior

Class: Immortal

Preferred weapons: Soul Cleaver (Katana, 15 to 25 fatigue damage) Bonemold bow with silver arrows

Armor: Wolf armor

Misc Items/equip:none




Light armor

long blade









short blade


Highest Stats




Short Story:None.....



ps:no i´m not immortal, It´s the name of an elite Persian Guard (The Immortals)

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I'm in school right now, and let's just say that sometimes my priorites get skewed (for example right now, when I have a 6 page paper due in 2 days worth 1/4th of my final grade, but nah, it ain't due till friday and there's always tomorrow).



good luck on the paper :)

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yea i did, thanks for pointing me to it. and yes i understand that people have prior commitments to life that are much more important (though not always enjoyable) than spending time on the forums. This RP will move along at the pace it needs to so everyone can get their 'two cents' in but I won't let it simply come to a complete standstill.
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