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BREAKABLE ARROWS (by Elder Wolf aka Technological)


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I liked the mod concept of the earlier version and downloaded it. But then I saw the installation instructions and said, "Heck with it. I don't want it that bad." But I am sure this is a great mod and would be perfect for people who play a lot of archer characters.
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There was nothing complex about the installation


Just all typical stuff


Copy files to data folder


activate esp


It is just that loading the mod high in the load order may change to arrow-loss setting which will cause some arrows to randomly disapper instead of break as intended.


The menus section of the mod is completely optional as it requires fiddling with some files.


Everything else is fixable throught the ini file but nothing needs to be changed to get it to work. It just uses default/balanced settings


The overall purpose of the mod, was to enhance realism, not necessarily only for archers but whoever. When you kill a bindit, his equipment will propably be of poor quality and thus some of this arrows will be broken.


I could go on.

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