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Different Spell/whatever ideas


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These aren't necessarily requests... I just had some particularly interesting (to me, anyway) ideas for mods.

I have no modding experience and don't really care to learn. I've got enough issues with Skyrim--trying to build something in it sounds beyond painful.


so feel free to use these should you find anything that strikes your fancy!


1) Different atronachs or elemental master wizards turn into bugs when they die.

Examples: Spriggans burst into torchbugs upon death. Cryomancers burst into blue butterflies. Necromancers burst into baby spiders.

I thought it was a neat idea, even if only for a specific boss or something. Not sure how difficult that would be to do, but I've seen hoards of baby spiders summoned as well as bursting bodies. So I thought, "Hey, why not go the extra step?"


2) Enchanted torch. Basically a candlelight, but it's a floating torch. The reasoning would be a warmer light, possibly have it float farther away (I play in third person and candlelight is a pain in the ass)

..and because it'd be cool as f***.


3) Partial shapeshifting.

Example: you have the right to BEAR arms. 8)

(or stag legs, saber arms, maybe a dragon's head)

Each would be a temporary alteration spell and would have their own benefits. Bear arms would have a chance to stagger or cause bleed damage or something. Saber arms would have a higher crit chance (or bleed instead of bear idk). Dragon head for a short-ranged, small flame breath attack like once every 6 seconds while it's summoned or something. Stag legs to go fast (a horse body, like a centaur, would be cooler but I thought the more legs the harder it would be to make)


I'll add more as I think of stuff.

I don't need credit or anything if a mod is made. Don't really see a reason. It'd just be cool if one was made.

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