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GECK : Trying to make doors open through intercoms.


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Hey everyone.


I always wanted to make a gate. That opens through an intercom. But ever since I tried it, I failed in so many ways, I stopped counting at 16. I now have a lot of non-working material, wich I will delete soon.. But for now, I am looking for some sort of instruction to help me make this intercom-connected gate.


What I use : The Tenpenny Tower main gate, regular intercoms.


What I need : If you talk to the guard next to the intercom, he has to open it, I don't know how.

If the gate opened, it should close when I walk far away from it.

If I talk through the intercom from the other side, I should get the guard on line telling me to wait a minute, and then the gate opens.


You know, pretty much everything like Tenpenny Tower. You might wonder why I didn't just copy everything. Does the 16+ fails explain anything?





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