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Russia Mod Help


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I am requesting some people who would like to create a mod with me.

Anyone with some modding experience can join


So what's this mod about?

During the wars, Russia got nuclear washed and everything got turned into places like the wastelands.

After the wars, people tried to find a way to get rid of Ghoulification and research RAD-Immunity. They found the perfect cure during a research at Tschernobyl, but somehow it was kept secret by the researchers.

Many years later (we enter the time during the actual Fallout 3 story), Tschernobyl is infested by Ghouls, Mutants, and creatures way more deadly than anything else...

Remains of the Speznaz want to get the cure, but they don't have the power to get into the area without help... That's where you join.

Seeing the only answer is to go to Rivet City and Megaton to find some people who would do anything for a lot of caps, the Speznaz are recruiting for a suicide mission into Tschernobyl, Prypjat and the area around it, looking for the cure.



So to get this mod started, i want a small group (at least) who can help me and create this mod.

Like I said before, anyone with modding experience can join, as well as Voice Actors (optional).

If someone wants to join, PM me pls :D


Thank you for reading,


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So... out of curiousity, what do you contribute to this project other than the vision and the story? There have been many requests for help on projects on forums like this by people that have a grand vision... but no practical ability in actually building their idea. Thus modders are just a wee bit gunshy when another person comes along stating that they have an idea but don't show what experience they have with the tools. Might wanta add your own credentials to this... what modding experience do you have? Do you know your way around the G.E.C.K.? Have you done any preliminary work, have something to show us?


Basically, what are YOU bringing to the team? Other than being the one with the vision, and the project leader?


- Sorry if this seems a bit hostile, but it's happened way to often that someone has an idea, but no experience and then expects others to help him/her. Only to have that person drop the project for something else shiner when they realize the amount of work involved.

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I can see the problem you are talking about...

Well, i got a bit experience with GECK, as well with the oblivion construction set. i can actually work with interiors, but just basic stuff (creating a cell, renaming, adding water, adding objects etc.), and i am really happy to learn new stuff, especially scripting and extirior is what i am looking forward to learn.

basically, i would work on the mod, as long as it is the basic stuff. when it comes to scripting, exterior, modelling, texturing etc, i either try to do it or i will get a tutorial from someone/somewhere, but in most of the stuff i would not push the work to the others.

i hope that is all you wanted to hear, and i hope i am more than the "great mind and project leader"

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