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And I hate to break it to you, but this mod and FWE are incompatible. They alter different things in opposing ways, and have to much duplicate content, such as bullettime.


well, if your mod is as expansive as it seems it will be, I may uninstall fwe just to try it out. I'm already pretty much done with my FWE playthrough.


oh, and another idea: get rid of intensive training perk and replace it with "wasteland mutation" that randomly gives +2 SPECIAL points and -1. So you might get luck/int increase but a str penalty, or you could get 2 in strength and the -1 in strength too for a net bonus. This would fit especially well considering you have randomized SPECIAL anyway =D


The mod will be bringing back traits, after a fashion. You'll pick 10 traits in place of SPECIAL, which will be randomly generated.



oooh traits! I love the idea of cost v. benefit, makes the game more interesting. I've come up with a few previously, although they wer not really meant to be traits as such, so here's just a few I think are best:


Pariah: society shuns you. Merchants are reluctant to deal with you, fearing taint by association, and charge more accordingly. However, since people avoid you, people also have a hard time finding you. 50% less chance of regulator/talon random encounters, 50% less time for enemies to stop looking for you when you're in sneak mode (to go from [DANGER] to [HIDDEN] essentially). Or just +sneak, if that's too hard to code?


Overreactive immune system: your immune system is so strong that you heal at an abnormally fast rate (+1 hp/5 seconds) and can withstand both poison and radiation more easily. Howver, you are allergic to almost all chemicals, thanks to your immune system treating them as pathogens. Instead of making them deal damage (esentially the same as making them do nothing then), every stimpack (or all chems) has a 25% chance of causing an allergic reaction, dealing damage rather than healing. This damage cannot kill you, only bring you to 1hp.


these are courtesy of pkleiss:


Quantum Leap - You have downed enough Nuka-Cola Quantums that you can partially withstand the radiation they imbue. You gain %25 radiation resistance. The down side is that through no control of your own, you teleport to a random locations in the wasteland.


Chem Fiend - You have taken enough chems to know that you can't get enough of them. There is nothing quite like getting 'chemmed up'. When ever you use a non-healing chem, your movement rate and AP increase. But when the chem wears off, you fall flat on your face and remain unconscious (fatigue damage) until the next morning. (or some smaller amount of time)

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Me likes. :biggrin:


One of the reasons this and FWE are so incompatible is that they have similar features. For instance, in theirs, there's bullettime plus a few perks to enhance it. With us, there's bullettime, but instead of their perks, when you get wired reflexes your movement speed and projectile speed increase proportionally to the timeslow factor.

Not done yet, but it's there.

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I'd like a mod similar to this one








when you equip the rifle the pistol disappears. I'd like it to stay just like the mod above and it should work with this mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8593.


It'd also be good if you could make a mod that can only make you take one rifle or big gun, meaning you can only carry one and it doesn't magically appear when you equip it and it should always be equipped never holstered because there's no sling for it. taking your sidearm out would mean dropping the rifle on the ground


I think that'd add alot of realism in f03

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Yeah, If only that link worked. I've been looking for drinking mods.


BTW, I saw a caravan on Youtube. I think it was by the RTS guys.


Bummer 'bout the mafia.


And the food.


Oh, and, where is the jetpack?


And one last thing. House expansions? As in, you have to build them? Maybe, maybe not. Anyway, thanks,

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make holsters with the same skeleton weighting as the holstered pistol, then add them as bodyaddons (like the minigun's ammo) in a commonly unused slot. Voila you can have different (properly fitting) holsters for different guns without loads of manually equipped items...
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