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Caps stay. The idea isn't bad but it would require re-writing every script involving caps, and ruin what little compatibility we have left.

I like the idea for limiting creatures to specific regions. It'll probably probably be in a later build, though.

No elf or vampire races. I don't like fantasy games. Fallout 3 is (Almost) untainted retro-futuristic, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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I'm posting this thread because my mod is still in a stage where a bunch of things can be put in, and it would be good to get ideas from someone other than myself. So, if you have any requests that have not yet been done,post them here. I will do my best to put them in, by the criteria is as follows:

Nothing that requires new models or textures, as I have yet to get a new modeler.

Nothing that has already been done.



And probably more to follow.


But anything else I can try to include.



I played oblivion a while back and there was a mod for it which completely changed the AI behaviour in towns. My favourite feature was that all npcs no longer became hostile towards you if you killed someone in town. I was wondering if it was possible to port that kind of features to Fallout 3, that way you would be able to sneak kill an NPC you really hate and no one would try to kill you for it. Personally, I want to kill Moriarty, yet I don't want the whole of Megaton turning guns into my face.


If you decide to make this kind of mod,

I would be very thankful.



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Yes and no. You can do that, but that also means that when you shoot someone in front of everyone else, they ignore it. Doesn't work out too well.

But I can make Moriarty killable, easy.


@UttaNutta, it'll be more like the first one. It IS enclave, after all.

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