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Does anyone else hate Lady Isolde here?


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Looks like we have plenty to hate her for...


  1. Liar
    • Her family's magical history.
    • Her son's magical abilities to her own husband.
    • Backing out on her words of promised of wealth to the Warden AFTER saving her son.


  • Too arrogant to learn about Ferelden culture and its rulers (Bann Teagan is able to recognise the child of a murdered Teryn, Isolde just insults them)


  • Values her son's life over those of the dozens of people from her husband's village (Soldiers, villagers, any travelers on the road, assuming they were casualties as well).


  • Uses torture before due process.


  • Casts Alistair out as a child from his only home.


  • To those of a higher ranks (Human Noble, Dwarf noble & Wardens).

[*]Sick Minded

  • Kills her own son.
  • Willing to sacrifice other people lives rather than her son's.


  • Tricks old guys to marry her so she could get all the riches, AKA "Gold-digger"


  • Has the ability to mess around with the Warden's Codex, possibly through her secret dealings with demons.

[*]Cold, Calculating, and Cruel

  • As evidenced by her treatment of Alistair when he was a child, her actions just before and during the events at Redcliff and the supposed affection she displays to Teagan to lure him to the castle.... cue the Dancing Bann...

[*]Conducts Illegal Acts, Conduct Unbecoming of a Noble, Sneaky, Cheating

  • Hiring Jowan, an apostate and known blood mage, to tutor her magically inclined apostate son, both crimes against the law of the Chantry and supposedly a sin in the eyes of the Maker

[*]Foolishly Selfish

  • Believes her son can be saved at the cost of countless others who means nothing to her.


  • Related to the above. She essentially sacrifices dozens and dozens of lives to save her son, venomously stating she hates magic and wouldn't lose her son to it no matter what.. only to flip a 180 when she realizes magic is the only thing that can save him.


  • Even the maid, Valenna - Owen's daughter, told him the Arlessa Isolde is involved in something, hiding something from her husband.
  • Valenna also told her father Owen that she thinks Isolde is having an affair with the tutor mage she hired.
  • "far too young for the Arl, and too proud and headstrong" - words from Owen the Redcliffe Blacksmith himself


  • Allows her son, Connor, to cut off elven maid ears in the castle - the elf guild is very offended by this


  • Sleeps with Jowan (hearsay from Owen as told by his daughter Valenna) and possibly Teagan.


  • The insincerity in her words of thank you to the Warden after saving the Arl is so obvious a person next to me watching TV could sense it!


Source: http://dragonage.wikia.com/index.php?title=Forum:Isolde_HATEclub&t=20100424032408#Isolde.27s_Inhumane_Crimes

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Me personally, I was playing a Cousland noble the first time I met her. The very first time she talked down to me in Redcliffe village, I would have put her square in her place about talking like that to those of higher station than she.


This! I just finished saving redcliffe and Connor on my first play through as a human noble and was sad to see that I couldn't put her in her place. I'm a Cousland. A potential Teyrna and she, an Arlessa dares speak to me in such a tone? :verymad:


The closest you can come to putting her in her place is choosing to kill the demon in the castle, i.e. Connor directly.


She begs you and sobs, screams, kicks and shouts; you have a couple of dialogue options; one is to punch her in the face and knock her out. You then proceed to gut Connor. Great scene and I love doing it this way. Sten approves as well as Morrigan and Zevran and that wussy Alistair is angry at you in camp after that. Anyway...that is a nice way of dealing with her.

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what could i possibly add to the mostly-agreeable points in such a thread of interest, off with her head indeed..i agree with much i've read


one thing i dont understand however... is how alistair is so damned sensitive when it comes to a.) her living/dying, -10 approve (or higher in IA i think), yeah im sure it tears you apart the women who took you away from the only family setting/stability you ever had a shot at having really kills you Al, you dumb-ass


b.) when he sees her for the first time before you sneak in through teagan-tunnel and you accuse the hag of not being honest, alistair is this knight of chivalry or some crap... and defends her as if she didnt ruin his life, or as if he doesnt hold somewhat of a grudge, or ever had a decent relationship with the orlesian hound to begin with


granted in some of ali-baba's dialogue hes like... "yea i guess i dont blame her", but thats what someone says after they've grown up and can look at things from a less emotional based and more objective view, doesnt mean he would suddenly run to her defense at the slightest sign of "disrespect/informality", not only that, teagen is much closer to the wench and he doesnt seem to give 2 sticks about how you address her, if anything alistair should be supporting you when you say "you're not being honest" cause he knows first hand how easily she falls apart at the sign of any negative attention, she cares so much what other nobles and commoners think, that she messes up the poor kids life who has more of a right to be there than she ever would


thats just me


feed her to the hounds in the teagan tunnel i say, would prove a good distraction for the lt. hound while giving her a dose of her own medicine, torturing the failure of a mage she hired in the first place. good thinking you cunning nug, hire an apostate to protect clueless connor, since he doesnt deserve to get thrown in the mage-kennels with the rest of society because he was born into nobility being the son of an arl who's haircut resembles an inverted mullet, bahah


yeah i know that's a tiny little part/aspect that really holds no weight in the overall story/plot etc, but these small details amongst many other things in games really get to me


thats it, there needs to be a


1.) default game dialogue

2.) default game dialogue

3.) default game dialogue

4.) default game dialogue

5.) That's enough from you! (slap, leave unconscious, before the child-dagger scene of course in main lobby)

6.) Don't worry, you won't be around to see him get hurt. (attack)




(just joking after ranting, no need to explain why the mod wouldnt work, whats involved in making it and why my idea which was seriously considered would be a logistical nightmare to implement because of numerous issues and cutscene requirements, k?)



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Myself, my favorite part of that whole scenario, is when the demon is putting her down. Especially the facial expressions when the demon tells her that "You don't think!" http://www.dragonagenexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=1759

I ALMOST want to spare the demon, just for that. It's like.... Good on You!!! Ive been wanting to tell her that for MONTHS!


Indeed about Alistair. I think he takes her behavior, and her past actions against him, far too lightly.


I just can't bring myself to kill Connor. Not so much because he's just a kid, but moreso because of Eamon. I mean, how much would it SUCK to wake up from a coma, just to find out the person that brought you out of the coma, killed your son? Or was responsible for the death of your (much younger) wife? Maybe its because I tend for the long view of things, but all in all, I believe him to be good for his portion of the country. I think that that kind of depression would favor not so well for his people in the end.


BKE- we all have our own opinions and thoughts. Nobody can hold that against you bro. :wink:


Edit- completely off topic, but the hairstyle they have on connor (and a most of the boys) is called a Bowl cut. It was a very popular hairstyle for boys, with mothers, for QUITE some time (even as far in as the 1960's) because it was very easy for the mothers to do on thier kids. They'd put a large bowl upside down on the kid's head, then just cut the hair around the edges of the bowl, using it as a guide for the cut.

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A bit off the main topic but directly related to many of the posts, I think (and I could be way off base with this) that Alistair is not as much concerned with Isolde's well being as he is with demonstrating that he and everyone else in the party are better people than she will ever be and being able to hold that fact over her head for the remainder of her days. Also, it could be because he holds Eamon in such high regard along with his guilty conscience over how he behaved toward him as a child that he feels that it is a moral imperative to do everything he can to save her and Connor as a favor to the (possibly beguiled by Isolde's hidden mage skills?) Arl.
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BKE- we all have our own opinions and thoughts. Nobody can hold that against you bro. :wink:


I was joking you know, no harm done. Personally I like her dead on the floor of the castle, where she can harm no one with her horrid accent! :laugh:

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Just jumping in here to agree with most of you regarding Lady Isolde. She was selfish, self rightious, and self serving. I didn't feel that any of her behaviour was kind or considerate, and her voice was like chalk on a blackboard. I also played my first game as a human noble, and that was the only time I let her live. I've played several times since and allowed her to sacrifice herself as she requested so that Connor could live. I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm not too crazy about Anora either, but Alistair doesn't bother me as much. He just needs a little toughening up.[/font]
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