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need your guys help on merging my mods about 1500


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so its about the mods that ive downloaded over tesnexus now the problem is i can only like merge like 150 of them into my bashed patch


what am i supposed to do with the rest of the 1350 mods all containing item mods ,clothes ,npcs,cm,weapons,locations,retextures,you name it i filtered all the mods on tesnexus and 1500 was what i came out with that was worthy of putting into oblivon quality wise . please help me out cause the freakin mod limit is 255 who ever made that as a limit obviously never has seen all the amazing mods the community has created and is still constantly working on .peace out

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Oblivion allows 254 mods. Many small mods that add only a single item can be merged into one and other mods can be merged using either Wrye Bash or tes4geko. Sorry, but the 254 is hard wired into the game engine and cannot be changed.

It is the max size of the 8 bit register allocated to mods that is the limiting factor. And that register size cannot be changed.


254 mods plus Oblivion.esm = 255 in decimal or 11111111 in binary, the largest number that can fit in 8 bits.


Note that there is another limit that few people ever see, and that is the total number of mods, both and not active that are in the data folder. That is around 400. I'm not sure of the exact number or reason. But it will cause your game to crash on start if you have too many.

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yes about the active and inactive i know bout that but would you guys know how i could resolve this dilemma i have cause i want each and everyone of them but they all depend on different masters and other esps depend on some of the single esps so please help me out as i already said i mean what can i do more than begging isnt possible and i really love

to play oblivion the way its meant to be played with all these gorgeous mods please understand

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If I were you, I would spend the next few weeks using TES4Gecko to merge lots and lots of mods. Just be sure to keep your archival backups in case any of your newly-created mods go bad. When TES4Gecko is working, it works really fast and is easy to operate.
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yeah but as i said some of the esps are dependent on several other masters and esps so now what,and yes i use wrye bash as my nr1 mod tool plus am scared of res4gecko even after reading thru all the forums for the tes gecko.

In the case of dependencies that are .esp or .esm based (as opposed to mesh/texture), your only real option is to rebuild the mod from whatever you can merge. With the number of mods you're trying to combine, the sad truth is that many of them, in particular companion, race, quest mods, you're probably going to have to rebuild some aspects of these in order for them to work together. Even things like mods which add items to the same shops might need some rebuilding depending on how the items were added to that shop. The hard part is not really the game mechanics, but rather trying to correct for differing methods of doing things by different modders of different levels of skill/experience. Half the equipment mods I download I end up rebuilding from the resources simply because it's easier to manage in the long run.

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would anybody of you guys help me out with merging these mods succesfully as i said per dependencies on other esps and master files .please im a noob i just hardly can mange wrye ,never touched cs and obmm is only good for installing omods so thats not a solution anyways please please pretty please common i know you guys have the skillz as i can clearly filter from the words you use.so as i said ill be waiting in order to have the ultimate oblivoin experience
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No offense intended, but if you can hardly manage wrye, never touched the CS, and are afraid of TES4Gecko, then you probably shouldn't even think about trying to merge 1600 mods. That would be a monumental task for even a veteran modder. Use the tools, learn the tools, practice a lot. Learn how to merge 2 or 3 mods. Get comfortable with it, then add some more. We don't even know all the mods you're trying to cram together so asking pretty pretty plz isn't going to help much.


Learn the tools, grasshoppah.



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