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need your guys help on merging my mods about 1500


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so i guess no one would like to help me out then eh that makes me pretty sad cause i was really hoping for somebody to help me out i mean i would even upload

the entire oblivion folder of mine with the latest wrye bash and tes4gecko installed plus the cs etc.i mean really there gotta be one modder on this forum who would

be up to the task.

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I don't think you have time and authorization to upload all those mods. It would take forever, and many modders don't like people to upload their work without permission.


And then there is the download thing. It would take forever to download. Many people don't have fast enough Internet connections to even dream of it.


Maybe you should post your dream mod list on this thread. That might provide people food for thought. If they wanted to take on your project, they could just download the mods from the original sources rather than downloading your re-uploaded mods. You could even put the 1500 links in your post to make it even faster for them to find all your mods.

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Closing this thread since either your resolve to ignore every suggestion offered, or your sheer lazyness prevents any solution from being reached. Having no experience with a program is no excuse. When others started, they didn't have any experience either. What you want is something that YOU HAVE TO DO YOURSELF!!! Offering to upload/distribute mods without the author's consent, and suggesting that such behavior is acceptable is not allowed here. Given that you make reference to Japanese mods, I can only assume that some of these contain content ripped from other games, which is again, not allowed.


Even if uploading your data folder were practical or allowed here, NOBODY would do this for you. As already mentioned SEVERAL times, the amount of work needed for something like this is far beyond what anyone would EVER do simply because someone asked for it to be done. Added to the fact that you seem resolute to ignore anything that is said, anyone who might have been willing to help you initially has probably just decided to write you off as a troll.


Regardless of your intentions, what needs to be said has already been said. It's clear that your difficulty with not knowing how to do stuff comes from your unwillingness to listen to any advice or instruction which is offered. Please do not make another thread on this same topic until you are able to both listen to suggestions and are willing to take action where it is required.


Everyone doing some work with mods starts somewhere. You have a goal, stop making excuses.

Edited by Vagrant0
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