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Tried manually installing a mod into the steam version of Oblivion. Failed miserably.


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So, I downloaded Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons manually, and once the file was downloaded, I opened it in WinRAR and extracted it to Files\Steam\Steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\
Next thing I know, The game won't start. Clearly, something messed up. I don't know how to get these files out so I can just go back to vanilla oblivion. I have no other mods installed.

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Since this is a manual install, it'll be a bit tough. Just make sure you ONLY delete the files that we're introduced by the mod. First, view the entire .rar package it came with. Go through the bits and pieced one by one. Follow the path on how it was installed, so you could delete the folders.

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