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Slap Isolde


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Woot! I can contribute, even if its just for testing! I have a character that is just post-redcliffe. I know I have several saves from there, so let me do some checking. If I dont have ones that would be those moments, give me some time tp play it out, and I'll have some.

This character does have some usage from Bidelles, PT's, and some hair mods tho, so if you arent using those, she won't look right. Also, its elven femme.




Ok, well, I found one that was closer... HF with only PT's for the eyes. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JLNEDL5T

Those are only the savegame files. let me know if I need to upload anything else such as the character files. :wink:

Oops, wanna rename the folder they are in to "Theena" when you drop it into your characters folder. Sorry about that, I forgot about that part of it.


I definitely dont recommend them for actual play, as the character and party is pretty well buffed out, and I really skimmed thru the 2nd part of the fight in town and in the castle to get this for ya faster. But definitely work for testing the cuts. :D



if you want to test it with other races, you can do a quick console cheat to change the appearance, so they show up as elves or dwarves. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=166075

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Now I wish I didn't keep messing up my save files all the time hehe. Honestly though, just being able to slap her silly would be worth breaking the game a little bit. Though I can also add one more person I wouldn't mind slapping around as well Anora, hate that she betrays you and you can't do squat about it, other than maybe have her locked in a tower.
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Just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten this. I just forgot that I had Finals starting and am knee deep in final exams and projects.


I'll get this out in this coming week once the exams are all over.

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Intersting timing. I woke up this morning wondering about this mod.

Dont ask me why...its not like I'm fixated on gaming or anything. Just popped into my head when I woke up, lol.


Its all good bro. No worries. I can fully understand as I am ALWAYS taking tests for my classes. Definitely wish you great luck on the finals! :thumbsup:

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  • 4 weeks later...
I would luv to slap her after she snarls dispargingly at alistair, after defending her village that SHE abetted the misfortune of it . GRR lets see this made, slap her, I know finnireaches mod is awesome but i want to sla[p her myslef! LOL OO man wish i wasnt dyslexic sorry if i have typos, was reading i could be banned for those? hope not seriously
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