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New Character


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Well I have been playing Oblivion for the past 2-3 weeks and ehm, hit level 28 last night.


I was playing MOSTLY vanilla with DarnifiedDarkUI mod and MapMarker's.


That is basically it.


Thing is, this is the first character I have made in 3 years, I took a short break to try an online mmo (eve online, too many politics :p) so I made this character and it is pretty damn terrible I think. I picked breton....some magic, conjuration, destruction and resotration...light armor and marksmen...cant remember the rest as I am currently killing the game for a clean install lol.


Well basically he has 100 related to bows and like 30 for his magic ones, It is terrible unbalanced and I hate it.


I want to create a new character but unsure on how I should go about it. I really like magic and plan on installed Midas Magic and Fearsome Magicka but I also like the idea of bows and swords...Deadly Reflex and some arrow mods in there should make it awsome.


How would I go about picking a character for say "Magic" or "Swords" PROPERLY so it is nice and balanced?


Cant find any guides anywhere for basic character creations, I also heard that the fixed classes that come with vanilla have got fooked up leveling properties.


Please someone help,

Sorry if I ask for too much :sad:



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You could try making your own classes, I'm sure there's an option for custom somewhere (well, ther is in Morrowind) but if not, you could mix race with star sign and skills to mix and match the mixes. What I mean is, everyone chooses Breton, sign of the Mage and other obvious magic things if they want a magic character, and orc, sign of the warrior and other obvious fighting stuff for strong, axe-weilding guys. But you could do Breton as race, tower for star sign and marksman for class, know what I mean?
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Well, my standard cofiguration for a light armoured, strong all rounder is something like this:




Thief Birthsign


Strength and Speed


Light Armour


Blade (or blunt, your call)




Destruction or Restoration


I don't get security because once you get

The Skeleton Key at level 10 you can just hammer auto-attempt forever



It's a good flexible all-round set-up, and you can easily replace the magic skill and replace it with something else if you wanted to use a Redguard, or even a Nord. Once you've been playing for a while the race doesn't matter too much.

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