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Pitt Slave restrictions


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Ever found it weird that Pitt Guards have no issues with a slave walking around with an assault rifle?


I want to start on a mod that will cause Pitt Guards to shoot you down like a dog if you're still a slave and equip any weapon except the auto-axe (and variants), or if you have anywhere in your inventory a gun too large to conceal. If you find an assault rifle in the steelyards, you must use it in the steelyards and leave it in the steelyards.


I want to change the fighting arena to melee weapons only. I was massively disappointed at Bethesda's decision to take something that had the potential to be a Thunderdome-style gladiatorial arena and filling it with guns.


And most of all, I want to change the concealed pistol you take in with you. A .32 handgun is 'concealable' enough if you're trying to walk past a nightclub bouncer, but not if you're being looted, stripped naked and then dressed in a different outfit. I want to change the gun to something that can be kept hidden, even by a naked person. You can, um... use your imagination for that.


This is where I'll need help, and I can't do art stuff at all. Can anybody make a model for a small "Zip Gun", or pipe pistol?




It shouldn't be especially hard for a modeller to make, if they already know what they're doing. It's basically just a barrel, with some sort of detonator at the end. Could, theoretically at least, be hidden in a place the Pitt Guards might not want to look.

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I could suggest a 2 shot .32 derringer. small enough to conceal uhm.. in places.. mind you reloading after 2 shots does make it more challenging..I would mention.. sit down gingerly.. ya don't want it going off prematurely.. hehe
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HAHAH!! UttaNutta.... you DO realize just how small even a 2 shot Derringer is??it can fit easily in the palm of your hand.. has very lousy range.. but up close is effective.. and no surgery to hide it.. tho I'm inclined to think a girl could pull it off easier than a guy.Use your Imagination...
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It's small, yes. But it bends perpendicular to itself and it has protruding parts ; hardly the right shape for hiding in your nether regions, regardless of your gender. Furthermore it'd be a pretty rare weapon to find out in the wasteland. For both post-apocalyptic flavour and body-cavity smuggling potential, I'd heavily favour a crappy old zip-gun over it.


But anyways if anyone wants to give me an indication they're willing to start working on a zip-gun model, I'll start scripting up a good place to use it. The picture I linked to is a pretty sophisticated example, the bolt-action and spring are quite uneccessary. All it'd have to look like is a small metal tube that fits reasonably into an existing weapon animation.

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OMG!!! I just found the funniest gun to Mod. actually there's 2 of them so I'll link them both. haha imagine this in the Pitt!



Now this one is an actual compact bolt action .22 Zip gun


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Did I seriously just read a debate about whether or not you could fit a .22 up your nether regions?


And, for the record, I love this idea. Things were MUCH to plentiful in the pitt, and I found it odd that I could walk by a guard in full merc uniform and a machine gun and he would still call me "Scab".

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OMG!! UttaNutta you just gave me a really good idea... I'm not sure it's workable... might need to borrow components from the sandman perk.. an easily concealable in your pipboy... Garrott.
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A whole class of player-only ligature weapons could be feasable. When equipped, you get a 'strangle' option when sneak-activating somebody who hasn't detected you, it disables player and victims movement, plays a pair of idles, one animation of strangling and one of being strangled, and after the timer goes for 30 or 45 seconds the victim dies. Perfect for sneaking up on a single isolated enemy, worthless if he has any friends around. Maybe you could use a FOSE keybinding as an abort key, in case his friend wanders around the corner. I'd suggest trying it out with vanilla's leather belt, and if you can get that working, move onto a range of more lethal weapons like steel cable and piano wires (that lower the animation timer). If it works, the system could be expanded to include a throat-slitting animation for knives.


I'd suggest talking to JoshNZ (maker of Animated Prostitution) about this. The sex scenes in AP that lock the player/NPC into place and play out an animation would make a perfect foundation to build this from.

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