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Pitt Slave restrictions


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I think I could figure out a script where, if you had anything other than said set of weapons, the slavers beat you and steal your stuff.


That's okay, I have one made up already where they'll shoot you for it. A beating and robbery is a touch more complicated, but it could certainly be done. I've already made a script that will have an NPC knock you unconcious and take your stuff (no animation for the taking stuff part, unfortunately. It just disappears five seconds after being knocked out. I'm no great hand at putting in idles). The problem would be in assigning the beating/robbery script to the nearest PittGuard, which I'm not sure is altogether possible. It could be assigned to a specific guard in the cell the player is in, but that could result in having him/her run across the entire cell to reach the player. Leaving out the beating and assigning it to the guy who gives you the steelyard jobs might be a good idea, he could confiscate your weapons as you walk in and hold onto them for you until you're ready to go back into the steelyard (or until you're emancipated). Since he actually GIVES you weapons to use in the steelyard, he alone shouldn't panic when he sees you return with one.


But anyways, I just want a zipgun to complete this mod nicely.

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i was looking at the derringer and yes you could find it but it would probly be around underworld but it was a common gun for assasins during the 1800's and as for hiding place well i used to know a guy in the millitary navy seals who would sow a knife to the inside of his cloths so in this case have a pocket in the front or back flap facing toward you in slave skirt thing and personly i think it would be easier to take out and less hassel to keep ammo. but as for the mod it is sound and i wish i could help due to the fact my graphic card left me like 3 weeks ago but i will be up and running in like 1 month so if it hasn't been done yet i will give a hand
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