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Grey Warden Philosophy: Riordan's/Duncan's vs. Wynne+ others..


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@ Roninsoul7:


That's a convenient generalization, but it's not the day-to-day reality. If the Blight happens everyday (as it does for the dwarves), then yes Wardens can do whatever they want with the "We're in eternal war with the Darkspawn" excuse and people have to swallow it.


But Blights happen once every few centuries. To give you a time frame: "Before Columbus sailed to America, there was a Blight." Do you expect people/kings/nations to swallow the GW crap for that long between Blights? The DAO warden gets away with so much because he's in the middle of a Blight. Doing stuff like that during non-Blights gets your entire order kicked out of the country for generations -- see Warden's Keep.


The same thing applies to recruiting during non-Blights. Do you really want criminals and other unreliable folk (who have problems with authority and social graces) inside your organization? Are you sure you want that person at your back when you're neck deep in Darkspawn? What does it do to the integrity of chain-of-command? To public relations with low and high classes? These are practical, not moralistic, concerns.


If I was recruiting during non-Blights, I'd take professional soldiers and knights. Guild assassins are okay, because they also understand structure. Bards are okay for public relations.

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I guess what it boils down to is that Wardens are just people (or dwarves or elves or whatever) just like everyone else. Their behavior and motivations are going to be individualized just like in real life. The expectation has to be that they will comport themselves in an honorable, soldierly fashion when it comes to fighting darkspawn, and that they will support their companions in so doing. But, I don't think anyone has the right to judge anyone else as a human being (or dwarf, etc., etc.) in terms of his beliefs or behavior "off the field" as it were. Without giving away any spoilers, there are many instances built into the game where you are given options in how to resolve certain quests. Some seem to be more "moral" than others; but either will still get the same end result that you are seeking; and you will be able to continue the game to its intended end.
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