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New York


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Okay. The announcement of New Vegas has been exciting, but also disappointing. 'Cause I want a New York.


How awesome would it be if you could run around in the ruins of New York, going through the Subway, eating Brahmin Hot Dogs and Fungus Pretzels. Explore the Empire State Building, or the Statue of Liberty. But I think it would be better because all the buildings are higher, and you could go across the bridge. But what I would really like.... is a Ghoul Mafia.


How about this. When the bombs fell, the Mafia had their own little bunkers. Safe houses, In case the cops came. They provided some protection, but not enough to stop Ghoulifacation. And then they emerged from the ruins, realizing how lucky the had become. They could now own the city.


So I think it would be cool for a mod where you Travel to New York. Like the Pitt. I know it would be massive mod, basically a whole new game. But what I least want is some sort of Ghoul Mafia, armed with Tommy Guns and pistols, wearing business suits and fedoras. It was only when I went to my Megaton home and put on my suit and hat that I realized how awesome it would be. So if anyone could at least do a few weapons and make a Ghoul Mafia, even if it was based out of Underworld. It would be cool.

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I guess a nice idea but New York is way over done. It's the base city for ALLOT of games. How about a Chicago? Then the Mafia idea would fit better.
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Then you could have black guy ghouls, because although most of your skin comes off all the capital wasteand ghouls appear to have been caucasian. Does being a Black guy make you immune to Ghoulification? Do you die instead? Or just get rad poisoning? Or what? If it confers immunity I want to be Black when the nuclear apocalypse comes!


Would take an assload of work though :S Seriously, 2 or 3 New Yourk mods have already died...

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Then you could have black guy ghouls, because although most of your skin comes off all the capital wasteand ghouls appear to have been caucasian. Does being a Black guy make you immune to Ghoulification? Do you die instead? Or just get rad poisoning? Or what? If it confers immunity I want to be Black when the nuclear apocalypse comes!


Would take an assload of work though :S Seriously, 2 or 3 New Yourk mods have already died...


And those NY mods did die only because there were 2 or 3 of them :sad: :no:

Modders were divided in several projects, and others did wait if one of them geds to a point where it can be completed. If there is only one project it gets more help when you start. It it grows faster, and does not lose those modders that aren't yet sure what mod change to survive, and those who cannot deside.

So at the end the one and only mod has much bigger team than every one of those 2 or 3 combined.


Metropolis New York mod


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