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[rel] Zealots Of The Nine - Quest


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A search for a poor maid’s missing employers leads you to discover the dark truth behind a secret society buried deep within the Church of the Nine. Find yourself battling ancient undead forces, and ultimately uncovering the secret society of the Zealots of the Nine. The Zealots of the Nine are brutally suppressing a small group of worshippers, those who follow the ancient Over Father. Decide which side you will be on, and determine the fate of one poor itinerant preacher. Undead adversaries, ghostly guides, desperate preachers, secret societies, ancient religions, spies and more await you.


Mod includes a new home, a mansion on the hill in Cheydinhal, overlooking the river and Cathedral. The home includes all the required amenities, and will provide a great base of operations. The home will become yours to use when you complete one of the included quest lines. The chests and other storage in the home will not re-spawn with items automatically, so your items will be safe.


To begin the quest, head for the Bridge Inn near the West Gate in Cheydinhal. A Maid who is desperate for help eats there between 6 and 10 each night.


This mod is brought to you by Jolard, the author of the Morrowind Balmora Manor Quest. It is released as Open Source, so you are free to use the mod, the characters included, the story line, and the background in future mods. Please just give credit where credit is due! J


Thanks to Greggbert and Teri for story suggestions, play testing, bug testing and other sundry suggestions. This would not have been completed without your help! Also thanks to those working on the Wiki, and on the official construction set forums. You have been invaluable!


Please contact me at [email protected] with any comments, suggestions, rants or raves, I would be happy to hear from you. To make it easier to find the wheat in the chaff, please include the subject line: “Oblivion Mod, Zealots of the Nine”

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