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There are not many transformation mods, and forget about adding new mods for now. Anyway, those problems will not take off your files. CCleaner can clean up old files, if the users so chooses, however. Installing any big programs, or frequently installing little programs, will of course cause fragmentation, and Oblivion is huge.
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I will try to read the information on the links you gave me but ther is a lot to read I am legally blind its hard to read a lot at a time and I figured my computer was clser to the minim Iv been told that inter graded video cards are not as good

Those things probably will not help to much. I will link the "important" pages here, no need to read through all of that.


Latest Official Patch <-- If you are not using the GOTY version, install the latest patch

Regenerate the Oblivion.ini <-- If you had to install the latest patch, follow up with this

Oblivion.ini Tweaks <-- there are many useful performance tweaks listed here

Optimization Mods <-- a number of replacers here are useful, especially Quiet Feet MAX

Outdated Optimization <-- just so you know, avoid these...

Stabilization Mods <-- stabilization can help with performance too, a lot actually...

SL.ini Tweaks <-- to help setup Streamline's INI file properly

Popular Outdated Mods <-- avoid these


Wow at the risk of sounding like a total sycophant, you sir have the most amazing site there right under my radar!!! I've had to spend allot of time finding these things out by myself... definitely great to have them all in one place and in the amount of detail. You are a noob helper god!!! may the internet lords commend you for your sharing of knowledge!!!

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i used streemline and game booster on top of the other mods you listed and that made it a lot better i have about 50 mod on and it moves a lot faster smother then just the then whit no mods at all but it dose stick a little bet in the IC and when i run it for 3 4 hours strait and i can have 4 5 partners and acantosh mount without it locking up is it going to slow down if i add mor mods. wasn't their another program menchend whit streamline thanks for all the help. i notes ed that if you replace the map caricatures and land that i can tern the video graphics down without losing the graphic quality atleast not as bad as it normally would. i can see the viewing distance mite even be better then even if i had it turned up and still runs smoother then the original game
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Yes, you should also use Oblivion Stutter Remover (OSR.) Make sure the FPS range is set equal to or greater than Streamline's. If you did not change SL's FPS range, you can leave OSR's alone as well. Adding mods will affect your performance, but whether or not the effect is negligible or staggering depends on the type of mods you add. Read the PC Specs & Speculations page on my site for more information. It mentions the mods to watch out for. It is possible to run 200 non-intensive mods, but that is not what most users do. The visual enhancers and AI (NPC) adding mods can eat up resources fairly quickly. Be mindful of your system specs.



Happy gaming!

- Tomlong54210

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i already have Oblivion Stutter Remover but what are the optional filesit also listed. all mods are dealt what is your site address sorry for asking so much i have nobody to ask at home and and dad is strict can tracking cookies still my ram thers 100mb that should be free
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i want to add a lot more creatures Companions some cites and some structures all at once its boring to play only a few of these its more fun to to play it without really knowing whats in there like its a new game so i want to run as may as possible i did't mean to upset you i won't bother you any more. its my favorite game and the only one i still play cant buy any more games. last question it crashes almost very time i exit oblivion
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You have not upset me. I did not know what you were trying to do. I would not go for the "as many as possible" goal though. That leads to system instability, and your system is not good enough to handle the largest possible load anyway. You can go ahead and add other mods if you want, however. Just read the "Finishing the Installation" page, and make sure to take care of your load order. Also, be mindful of mod conflicts. Read the BOSS log to stay on top of those as much as you can. Mod's ReadMes often have a compatibility section as well.
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  • 4 months later...
i hop this is not agenst the ruals to reaviv this threada ny way hers my qwestion if my mod are not cheked in Wrye Bash thay wont show up in obmm whin i open it it dident it dident do that tel irebult the bashed pach and on the mods that wher a part of the bash pach when i deactavate and re actavat the omod an erer window comes up is it sapost to do this
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