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Weird Land LOD (With screenies!)


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First things first:

-My only Land LODs Mods are the Optimized Distant Land LOD 1.1 (It NEVER caused a problem like this before)

-I also regenerate my LODs with TESLODGen (Again, never cause a problem like this before)

-Also, DeNormal Mapper by Bomret and OSR


But, after I tweaked a few things from the Oblivion.ini & OSR, BAM. This happened:




Notice that the trees and object LODs are fogged, but the land isn't.


-It only happens when it rains, or if there is fog (exterior cells only)


Please help. I've only but a few days of summer left. I'd like to relax with Oblivion for a while.


Thanks in advance!

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Finally got the cause of the problem. Disabling bDoSpecularPass on the Oblivion.ini was the culprit. Although I do not know why on other systems, disabling it actually help increase the FPS without any side-effects.


Thanks for the reply Xanlosh!

Edited by Operative85
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