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making an off-hand sheath ?


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I tried searching the site and didn't really find any mods that add something like this.


Basically, I was thinking that with lots of scripts that exists currently pertaining to dual-wield weapon and stuff, it would be easy to pull this out for an experienced modder.


I was thinking of some kind of blade weapon (katana, long sword or anything) that when you unsheath, the sheath goes to your off-hand, acting like a shield or an off-hand weapon. You could block with it or attack (with the appropriate mods available here ;) ) And when you sheath your weapon, the sheath will go back to your waist with the weapon in it.


It would be more awesome if after sheathing your weapon, instead of the weapon showing on your waist, the empty sheath on your off-hand is replaced with a sheathed weapon model. :P


I think there was a character in Devil May Cry (not sure if I am correct about that) that pretty much embodies what I had in mind.


You could use in-game models or a custom-made model of blade weapons. A katana would be totally awesome. :D


Sure hope someone could do this, or if there's already something like this out there, please, do point it out to me.



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I'm not sure if there is a mod that does that

But I downloaded a loading screen mod

it replaces it with better images and I saw one of the characters in one of the images with a sheath in his hand

I'm not sure if it was a pose mod or a off hand sheath

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I'm not sure if there is a mod that does that

But I downloaded a loading screen mod

it replaces it with better images and I saw one of the characters in one of the images with a sheath in his hand

I'm not sure if it was a pose mod or a off hand sheath


Can you please direct me to that loading screen mod? I might be able to use that image to ask around about possible mods if there's any. :D thanks!

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I'm not sure if there is a mod that does that

But I downloaded a loading screen mod

it replaces it with better images and I saw one of the characters in one of the images with a sheath in his hand

I'm not sure if it was a pose mod or a off hand sheath


Can you please direct me to that loading screen mod? I might be able to use that image to ask around about possible mods if there's any. :D thanks!

Ok I just have to find the link

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Thanks!! Have a kudos.


Hmm...the screenshot isn't really in the image section is it?

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