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By Definition: UFO = Unidentified Flying Object. That does not mean flying saucer, it just means that it was not identified as anything known. It does nor by itself imply either the existence or non existence of extraterrestrials. Occams razor says


"entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" (entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem) and the conclusion thereof, that the simplest solution is usually the correct one.


In words of few syllables, when there are more than one possible answer, the most likely correct answer is the simplest.


In MOST cases the simplest answer is the observer didn't see what he thought he did. It's happened to me. There have been several times in my life when I thought I saw a UFO (Technically I did) but on closer observation, it turned out to be something that could be identified. Once it was a weather balloon early in the morning when the balloon was in bright sunlight and I was in dark, another was 2 aircraft flying in close formation in the dark ( strange formation of lights).


That does not mean that the ETs are not out there. It just means the we cannot prove they are there or not.


As far as Roswell, I believe most of what we have seen is a massive red herring to distract the conspiracy theory - And it's working.

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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.

Except that it's not a question about believing that there's some sort of life out there, but rather that one believes the crazies out there. Some of the stuff floating around the conspiracy circle ranges from "Are you really that effing stupid?" to "Just what were you smoking, and do you have any left?". The real problem is that aside from the stuff which is shown in movies, there's virtually no consistency with most of the reports regarding visitations and abductions. Although the movies could be based on some sliver of truth, simply by means of having those ideas disbursed into the populace, you eliminate any ability to differentiate between the real reports from people who just had a nightmare or who experienced sleep paralysis.


As for anything on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel, ever since they started getting hooked into the Nostradamus, 2012, Monsterquest, Mega (hypothetical) Disasters type stuff, their credibility as a source of ANY learning has been questionable. While I don't disagree that some of these things might have some educational value in how these pseudo-studies are conducted, the way they are presented and made entertainment ruins that value. It's clear that these shows are only there to generate ratings from the sorts of people that eat this crap for breakfast. Anyone with reasonably good education usually finds themselves screaming at the TV over the loose, unfounded assumptions made by these programs which are presented as fact. But, that's what you get from looking to basic cable.

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Wait a moment that article was being serious? I thought it was pure sarkasm.


Anyway yeah we have big egos. And big egos you know they got it all figured out.


I found that article on a highly popular news site, there is lots out there, but when i saw it i thought to myself is this for real or some late April fools joke, note this was not from a blog but from a news site. Something like digg.


Remember not to trust everything you read online, it can be false or pure crap. although you never know it might be leaked info :ermm: .

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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.

Except that it's not a question about believing that there's some sort of life out there, but rather that one believes the crazies out there. Some of the stuff floating around the conspiracy circle ranges from "Are you really that effing stupid?" to "Just what were you smoking, and do you have any left?". The real problem is that aside from the stuff which is shown in movies, there's virtually no consistency with most of the reports regarding visitations and abductions. Although the movies could be based on some sliver of truth, simply by means of having those ideas disbursed into the populace, you eliminate any ability to differentiate between the real reports from people who just had a nightmare or who experienced sleep paralysis.


As for anything on the History Channel or the Discovery Channel, ever since they started getting hooked into the Nostradamus, 2012, Monsterquest, Mega (hypothetical) Disasters type stuff, their credibility as a source of ANY learning has been questionable. While I don't disagree that some of these things might have some educational value in how these pseudo-studies are conducted, the way they are presented and made entertainment ruins that value. It's clear that these shows are only there to generate ratings from the sorts of people that eat this crap for breakfast. Anyone with reasonably good education usually finds themselves screaming at the TV over the loose, unfounded assumptions made by these programs which are presented as fact. But, that's what you get from looking to basic cable.


I hear what your saying, and sometimes, I'm skeptical. But that Ancient Alien series, I think they could be releasing some type of evidence not made up. Now I was just like you, saying to myself that these things are lies. However, on one piticular episode, they found a golden object that looked like a modern day aircraft. It couldn't have been an insect because the wings were too high, insects don't have high wings. Plus it had parts resembling a fusulage, a tail of an airplane, and a nose, and birds don't have this for sure. Now the creepy thing is that when they built it into a toy airplane, it actually flew. Sure they added wires, and basic technology, but you can't fly something if the shape isn't correct. So how did these people know about arodynamics over two thousand years ago, on their own? Now I don't know whats going on, but this can't be by chance, its just impossible.

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Theres was a bhuddhist monk from long time ago who actually build an airplane, but then scrapped it again, because it was just taking focus away from his meditation. :biggrin:


People back then werent idiots. They sorta mapped the whole consciousness and everything in india aswell as egypt and other parts of the world.


And by all means this not just something intellectual.

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I know of the object, and know that there are many theories, but just because one works doesn't mean that others aren't equally as valid. The fact that the object is small, and made out of something usually reserved for jewelry doesn't make it easier. And just because someone can copy proportions from one object and make it fly doesn't mean that object is designed after a flying craft. Anyone with some knowledge of aerodynamics and an invested interest in proving that an object was modeled after something that flew can rather easily make minor adjustments to the shape of the object just to prove their case.


Again, there is too much pollution within the subject to separate fact from crazy theories.

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I think people need to put the 1940s era into context when they consider something like Roswell. This was an era of hysteria about things like flying saucers, aliens from Venus and Mars coming to conquer the world and other such nonsense. What I am saying is some rancher from the middle of New Mexico in the 1940s wasn't smart enough to know his *** from a hole in the ground when it comes to something they see flying in the air, or some kind of debris they find from a crash site. Its easy to see how some parts with weird engravings which were probably serial numbers could be mistaken to be alien to someone who probably couldn't even read English to begin with. I say it was just some weather balloon debris made out of things that Gomer Pyle found laying in his field that hes never seen before. And the government originally jumped on board with that idea just to cover up what it really was. A weather balloon they launched up in the atmosphere to keep tabs on Soviet nuclear tests. It was called project MOGUL. Link is below. They didn't want the Soviets to know they were keeping tabs, but probably realized saying they found UFO wreckage from aliens would have driven people into a hysteria much like what happened with the War of the Worlds broadcast. So they decided it was better to just say it was a weather balloon, which was still only a half-truth, because this was not your ordinary weather balloon.



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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.

Nobody is denying that they're out there, well, I haven't seen anybody do so, but as you said the universe is MASSIVE, they have to be out there, but it's very very highly unlikely that any signal or even light from earth has reached them yet, they can't see what hasn't gotten to them yet, so as I always say unless they made us and have been here all along then no, aliens most likely do not know about us.


Although I don't believe they made us, but it is possible.

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