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If it makes people better, there are others out there but they are all several micro meters long and live near water (such as Mars or other watery like planets). Otherwise known as bacteria.


Roswell feels like a hoax to me. There are no hard evidence to prove that aliens were there but the is no hard evidence to prove that it was not. It is so strange to bring this up because recently Stephen Hawking talked about how it is bad it is for human kind to contact aliens in a talk show in Britain.

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As far as Roswell being a hoax, I would have to say yes, now if someone were to ask does the US military have their hands on some alien technology, it could be a possibility. But even if they did would they even know what they were looking at? Give someone from the renaissance ages an FA-22 raptor, even if it was a genius like Leonardo Da Vinci, would he have any clue what he was looking at? Not a chance. Certainly no chance of even coming close to reverse engineering anything on it. Same applies if US got their hands on a UFO, no chance they could do anything with it. Its too far out of their league.
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As far as Roswell being a hoax, I would have to say yes, now if someone were to ask does the US military have their hands on some alien technology, it could be a possibility. But even if they did would they even know what they were looking at? Give someone from the renaissance ages an FA-22 raptor, even if it was a genius like Leonardo Da Vinci, would he have any clue what he was looking at? Not a chance. Certainly no chance of even coming close to reverse engineering anything on it. Same applies if US got their hands on a UFO, no chance they could do anything with it. Its too far out of their league.


To an extent you can always understand how something works via figuring out what each part does, it would most likely need some type of power I'm sure we could tell where that is, all you would really need is to know what each part is.


You might not know how a PCI port works but I'm sure you know how to hook something up to it.

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As far as Roswell being a hoax, I would have to say yes, now if someone were to ask does the US military have their hands on some alien technology, it could be a possibility. But even if they did would they even know what they were looking at? Give someone from the renaissance ages an FA-22 raptor, even if it was a genius like Leonardo Da Vinci, would he have any clue what he was looking at? Not a chance. Certainly no chance of even coming close to reverse engineering anything on it. Same applies if US got their hands on a UFO, no chance they could do anything with it. Its too far out of their league.


To an extent you can always understand how something works via figuring out what each part does, it would most likely need some type of power I'm sure we could tell where that is, all you would really need is to know what each part is.


You might not know how a PCI port works but I'm sure you know how to hook something up to it.


Its just a guess, but suppose they did have something, its all speculation, but we would be talking about a technological gap of possibly several hundred to several thousands of years or more. Could possibly composed of materials that are completely unknown composition, not even on the periodic table of elements, and runs on a power source that they have no idea how it functions. They try to take some plasma torches to cut into floor of the inside of it just to find they they are ineffective, diamond tip saw is also a no go. And its full capabilities probably wouldn't be obvious either, and no real indication as to what those are. They take a look inside and there are no buttons, levers, or switches, or anything they could recognize as a pilots controls. They would be forced to just store the thing in a warehouse underground somewhere and at best get someone with some new ideas to go in and take a look every now and then. For all they know the thing runs on telepathy, and you have to be one of them to operate or get any response from it. What they would be looking at would essentially be very alien to them. And I doubt any science fiction book could help them out.


Maybe they could get something from it, but then again it could be also be so many thousands of years more advanced it would be like giving an FA-22 raptor to a cave man.

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As far as Roswell being a hoax, I would have to say yes, now if someone were to ask does the US military have their hands on some alien technology, it could be a possibility. But even if they did would they even know what they were looking at? Give someone from the renaissance ages an FA-22 raptor, even if it was a genius like Leonardo Da Vinci, would he have any clue what he was looking at? Not a chance. Certainly no chance of even coming close to reverse engineering anything on it. Same applies if US got their hands on a UFO, no chance they could do anything with it. Its too far out of their league.


To an extent you can always understand how something works via figuring out what each part does, it would most likely need some type of power I'm sure we could tell where that is, all you would really need is to know what each part is.


You might not know how a PCI port works but I'm sure you know how to hook something up to it.


Its just a guess, but suppose they did have something, its all speculation, but we would be talking about a technological gap of possibly several hundred to several thousands of years or more. Could possibly composed of materials that are completely unknown composition, not even on the periodic table of elements, and runs on a power source that they have no idea how it functions. They try to take some plasma torches to cut into floor of the inside of it just to find they they are ineffective, diamond tip saw is also a no go. And its full capabilities probably wouldn't be obvious either, and no real indication as to what those are. They take a look inside and there are no buttons, levers, or switches, or anything they could recognize as a pilots controls. They would be forced to just store the thing in a warehouse underground somewhere and at best get someone with some new ideas to go in and take a look every now and then. For all they know the thing runs on telepathy, and you have to be one of them to operate or get any response from it. What they would be looking at would essentially be very alien to them. And I doubt any science fiction book could help them out.


Maybe they could get something from it, but then again it could be also be so many thousands of years more advanced it would be like giving an FA-22 raptor to a cave man.

The laws of physics wouldn't be any different for aliens than for us, they wouldn't have magic particles.

The most advanced system they would ever use would be made up of living cells or generally self-replicating and containing parts, this would be more advanced than anything we have, and we do not have the ability to really alter and remake things like that yet, and if we're talking blood flow or photosynthesis or something like that, well, we can't really plug that into a laser weapon or car now can we.


You can say that there could be something even more advanced than that but they aren't going to have smaller atoms than we have, so no, that's about the best as you can get as far as computers and such.


However any system of energy, electric energy output and or other types of energy we currently use, well, there would be an output to those and we could suit that output to go to whatever we wanted, for the most part. An energy system which is not based on systems we see in living things would be fairly adaptable and understandable, although we might wind up destroying it and possibly a city/the earth with it if we tried to take it apart to understand its workings and possibly make more.


Being an Internet Therapist I am highly knowledgeable on the subjects of aliens and theoretical science.

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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.

Nobody is denying that they're out there, well, I haven't seen anybody do so, but as you said the universe is MASSIVE, they have to be out there, but it's very very highly unlikely that any signal or even light from earth has reached them yet, they can't see what hasn't gotten to them yet, so as I always say unless they made us and have been here all along then no, aliens most likely do not know about us.


Although I don't believe they made us, but it is possible.


That's the problem. We can't prove aliens exsist because we can't even get to Mars, let alone leave our own solar system, and our broadcasts die shortly after passing Pluto. So its very remote we'll discover them anytime soon, but we have enough knowledge to make a hunch that they are out there, perhaps it's even fact even if it isn't to us.

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That's the problem. We can't prove aliens exsist because we can't even get to Mars, let alone leave our own solar system, and our broadcasts die shortly after passing Pluto. So its very remote we'll discover them anytime soon, but we have enough knowledge to make a hunch that they are out there, perhaps it's even fact even if it isn't to us.

From what I've seen most people, at least scientists and fellow internet therapists, agree that there are aliens out there, the problem is coming in contact with them without them having been here all along.

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Personally, I can't believe why some people deny the presence of aliens. I mean really, our universe is trillions, upon trillions, times trillions with exponents, light years across, its simply gigantic. After the big bang, the universe was the size of our solar system in a minute and a half, can you imagine how huge it is today? Are people really that nieve to say that these trillions of stars and billions of galaxies are empty? Now if you see the show, Ancient Aliens, it shows some pretty revealing evidence that aliens did in fact visit our planet. Sure thats off what I'm trying to explain, but it still shows evidence that aliens are out there, and even being a full Catholic, I believe it.

Nobody is denying that they're out there, well, I haven't seen anybody do so, but as you said the universe is MASSIVE, they have to be out there, but it's very very highly unlikely that any signal or even light from earth has reached them yet, they can't see what hasn't gotten to them yet, so as I always say unless they made us and have been here all along then no, aliens most likely do not know about us.


Although I don't believe they made us, but it is possible.


That's the problem. We can't prove aliens exsist because we can't even get to Mars, let alone leave our own solar system, and our broadcasts die shortly after passing Pluto. So its very remote we'll discover them anytime soon, but we have enough knowledge to make a hunch that they are out there, perhaps it's even fact even if it isn't to us.


The laws of physics also say time travel is possible, so are wormholes to jump from one position in space to another, if you could figure out a way to manipulate such a thing. This would solve the problem of getting around the universal speed limit. I would have to guess that any aliens that manage to get to Earth would likely possess such technology. Even off the wall things such as alternate dimensions are possible in physics. Things like this we see of in theory and have a vague understanding of at best, an alien race that travels the universe would have had to master these to their full extent. Issac Newton pioneered the theory of gravity hundreds of years ago, but we are nowhere close to being able to manipulate gravity as we like. Anti matter also exists, it has been created in a lab environment in very small quantities, and its potential to create energy is very good, but its also the most dangerous particles we know of, but I hear the cost to produce 1 gram of anti matter would cost more than the entire GDP of the US, and it could also release enough energy to blow the earth away at the same time.

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[quote name='Chaosblade02' date='10 May 2010 - 10:11 PM' timestamp='1273547507'

The laws of physics also say time travel is possible.

The laws of physics only exist until someone figures out how to break them. Some of the scientists working with the large hadron collider recently broke one of the laws related to balance of sub-atomic particles (forget the specifics since I'm not a physics nut) or something. Regardless, what we hold as law is really just a currently proven guess.

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