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Should be a simple script


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I have only played the main quest and some sidequests as well as all of Point Lookout and I was dissappointed that I got negative karma after killing the Paradise Falls slavers and "stealing" their items in Paradise Falls. I was also dissappointed when I found Marcella? dead and then lost karma for getting her medical supplies.



I can understand the bad karma if they were still alive and you were actually stealing the stuff but if they are dead then its not like they are going to be using the items.


So my request is a script of some sort that changes the bad karma affect if the NPC is dead. I don't know how many of these there are in the whole game and DLC's but if someone knows and can script then this should be a simple change.


I am not asking for it to change all stealing for I feel if you go on a murder rampage and kill everyone in Megaton then it should still be stealing, but it's not your fault Marcella was killed and I know if Red dies in the one mission and you can't save her then it is considered stealing of her medical supplies in BigTown even though you can take anything else from there.


And I would consider killing all the slavers and Eulogy Jones would be a good thing instead of becoming a slaver for them.


I myself can't script for anything which is why I am asking.




and thank you if you decide to take this on



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I did a search for "Owned" and it is similar but you still get bad karma for taking the items


I don't think you should get bad karma since I didn't kill Red, the super mutants did. I didn't get Marcella either, the smugglers did.


I did kill the slavers but I mean come on, they are slavers and it shouldn't be bad karma for taking their stuff

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? If you have owned, you don't receive negative karma once you've killed the slaver who owns the building. You also don't receive any negative karma for killing the slavers, since they are all "evil" characters. In fact, you gain karma for killing the named ones. As for stealing the items, I do know that stealing items (not pickpocketing) from the slavers at the lincoln memorial gives you no negative karma. They are merely marked red to show that it's still technically stealing and you'll get shot if you get caught, but there's no negative karma. Perhaps stealing from paradise falls is different? Either way there should not be a karma hit either with Owned or killing the slavers unless you're using another mod that changes these.
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Slavery isn't such a simple good/evil either-or situation when the victims are starving, hunted by cannibals and murderers, and scavenging finite resources, with absolutely no provisions to support themselves once those resources run out. It could be argued, and argued well, that slavery is the only stable foundation with which civilisation, social order and a reasonable standard of living in the capital wasteland could ever be rebuilt. The only settlements with any potential for growth and self-sufficiency, are Paradise Falls and The Pitt. The rest are just clutches of maggots, feeding off the corpse of the old world, and never once stopping to wonder what will happen when that corpse is finally consumed. If it wasn't for prehistoric slavery dragging our species out of the paleolithic, we'd even now be living the most primitive, meagre, and violent lives imaginable, eking out a miserable and short existance as hunter-gatherers, with an average life expectancy of (no joke), eighteen years.


So, congratulations. You crippled any hope of peace, prosperity and order in the Capital Wasteland for at least another century or two. You cut down, without a thought, the only fledgling lynchpin of a sustainable future for the human race, dooming everyone in the Capital Wasteland to an extended Dark Age. Sustainable mycoculture will not be developed. Brahmin-husbandry will not be expanded. A workable apparatus of a benevolent nationstate will not be established, and a martial arm of that apparatus will not be protecting the general populace from all manner of murder, rape, and tortures most foul. Thanks to you, untold generations of future wastelanders who might have lived well into middle-age in relative comfort and security will instead live short and horrific lives of abject desperation and misery, only to die in their mid-teens of starvation, malnutrition, infection, disease, wanton murder, or predation from animals which are now clearly and unarguably far higher up on the foodchain than humanity, and unlikely to be ousted anytime soon, thanks largely to you.


So, yeah... sucks how the game isn't giving you more good karma.

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But teh slavers are evil!


Actually, if they went more babylonian and treated the slaves somewhat better, I'd say the slaves were the good guys in the game. But, they blow up slave's heads with remote control collars just for the hell of it, so future civilization or not, I'm killing them.

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Slavery is different from forced labour. I understand how sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, but taking pot shots at someone while they run through broken glass, trying to avoid the mines? That's not helping. Although, I have to admit, the Ashur was slightly better. But he was a slaver. And you should never, ever treat someone like they are not human, unless they show they are not. And I am convinced that those slaves were good, honest people. You can force people to work. But do you really think that torturing people just for your pleasure and entertainment was really helping?


Remember. The moment that happens, The Race Of Man is already dead.

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Under babylonian law, slaves were treated as citizens, and given health care and beds and food and such, as people realized they were essential manual labor but still human. Plus the slaves could earn their freedom and had wages, allowing a good retirement.


Under those circumstances I'd go as far as to say slavery was the most ethical thing to do.



But then again if the Fo3 slavers acted like that I wouldn't want to blow up paradise falls with a MIRV, which I definably love.

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Oh sure, the slavers are bad people. Comes with the trade. But has any settlement outside the Pitt and Paradise Falls shown even the slightest promise of advancement? There's no primary production. Nobody is planting crops. And raising brahmin? Megaton has a single brahmin, and Arefu is an isolated no-future dirtheap so incapable of defending itself that pack of clinically insane retards managed to slaughter their whole stock without the slightest resistance. The Anchorage Memorial, likewise, was unable to defend itself against a half-baked plot by external enemies. The Brotherhood of Steel and the Regulators blithely ignore those settlements with promise of a future, in favour of wasting time, resources and manpowder defending those that don't contribute anything to the advancement of the human race, and when the scavenge dries up, the Brotherhood and Regulators will die out just as the Megatoners and Rivet citizens do, either starving to death together, or fracturing into small gangs of raiders that get smaller and smaller as the available loot diminishes and the fighting over it becomes fiercer.


The Pitt is the Capital Wasteland's only hope for advancement. While you could compare them unfavourably to the slavers of Babylonian or Roman times, remember that the Capital Wasteland, despite the abundance of technology and scavenge, is millenia behind even the earliest of civilisations. They're living in the mentality of the pre-agricultural neolithic, hunting, gathering, raiding... with absolutely no thought of advancing, or creating a sustainable way of life. Leaving aside the fact that a few centuries after the war there should be literally nothing left to scavenge, you can be sure that eventually all those Pork'n'Beans and InstaMashes will be consumed. And then what happens?


But do you really think that torturing people just for your pleasure and entertainment was really helping? Remember. The moment that happens, The Race Of Man is already dead.


Well, R.I.P Man.

Born - 200,000 BC

Died - 199,999 BC

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Look, I know it has all happened, but if it has to happen again, then well....


Also, the reason they won't establish anything is because they are too scared. There are no leaders. Oh, I get on fine, have plenty to eat, clean water to drink, ammo to shoot, clothes to wear, you get the idea. And I spent every chance I had giving to others, helping, and doing unselfish acts to get the wasteland running again. Hell, if they asked me, I would clean out the D.C. ruins. But no. They don't ask me. Even when I save a town, no-one has the determination to survive. An example is the Kokoda Trail. Those men were bascially walking corpses, yet they kept going. Or the Arctic explorers, battling to the end and back, stopping only when their feet were no longer attached to their legs.


Yet now, people, even though they still have more tech then those I mentioned, can't do anything? Is it really so hard, just to do something? I came out of the Vault with nothing more than my suit, pistol, and baseball bat. Oh, and my Pip-Boy, but it's not like that really helped me fight. I had no experience of what the Wasteland was, yet I still managed to thrive. No-one offered me any help, yet I helped all. I mean, I activated a water purifier. What more do they want?


The reason they can't do anything is because they are hopeless. They want to die. So let them.


Anyway, I agree with the idea of not losing karma when you take items. Or at least an indicator that you will.


And I agree with Nadin also. They stick them into a cattle pen. Let them wallow in their own excrement. Barely feed them.


I really don't agree with that.

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