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A revised armor request


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Hi, I was wondering if someone could create the following mod:


essentially a ringwraith appearance like the one they had for oblivion: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4311

with some minor differences:

Have the cloak sleeves ending at the elbow so that the pip-boy is visible (unless the pipboy can be modded to show up anyway - does the readius mod work in that way?) and just have black sleeves that the pipboy can overlay.

A completely black cloak and armor pieces (i.e. gauntlets)

No visible feet because they would look a bit odd coming out of the back of the cloak

Bluish-white glowing eyes and arc reactor (not a deal-breaker if not included) like the iron man armor: http://www.computerfreewallpapers.com/images/wallpapers/2008-Iron-Man-07_1280-569952.jpeg - I don't want the full helmet, just similar glowing eyes

Finally, shoulder pads like the standard enclave power armor (not the tesla or dlc variant).


I would also like for the armor to make the character as big as Charon or even slightly bigger. I usually play a stealth character and considering how many people I typically kill in Fallout 3, the grim reaper vibe is something I'm really looking forward to. Thanks to anyone who does this. :)

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Thanks for replying, but I don't necessarily want a fantasy element - even though, let's face it - ghouls are essentially zombies and super mutants are ogres. I'm more inclined to think of it like the quote: "all advanced technology can be considered magic". I'm looking for a grim reaper-esque vibe - that doesn't mean I'll be walking around with a scythe when a plasma rifle will do just fine.
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