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No Mod will work - out of clues!


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***** RESOLVED *******

***** I switched to "Resourcehacker" for .ini changes and it works like a charme! ******





After severl hours of trying to mod EU (latest build) I'm out of clues!


I think I re-read every article about moding EU, did all the following written in "Recent Discoveries" incl.

- Phoning home - host modified

- Disabeling hash checks - using HxD as described

- Enabeling .ini loading - using HxD as described


- Setting Steam to "Offline"-mode

- using XCOM UPK Patcher / PatcherGUI


I manualy changed the DefaultGameCore.ini in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Config"


- SHOOT_WHEN_PANICKED=2 .......... in 2nd mission 2 of my soldier paniced and startet "friendly fire"

- PANIC_ABDUCTION_THWARTED_CONTINENT=0 ......... after the 2nd mission the panic lvl in the 2 continents I did not do the mission in rised +1 resp. +2 in both countries
- ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_Satellite, iCash=100,iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=15, iEng=5) (changed iTime from =20 to =15 ............ startetd new game, satellites still require 20 days to complete
Am I totaly mistaken or shouldn't at least all the changes in the .ini apply after Phoning/Hash check/Enabeling .ini have been done?
Has anyone any clue what I am missing?
Best regards
Edit 1: It was "DefaultGameCore.ini" not "DefaultGameCore.exe" I changed manualy.
Edit 2: Problem resolved.
Edited by mavmcleod
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If Resource Hacker worked, then it means your "Enable INI loading" hack failed. Use one or the other but not both (to avoid confusion; the loose INI file will override any RH changes).


Most likely reason for any failure to load the DGC.INI is that (assuming you have the EW version of the game) you modified the DGC.INI in the wrong folder tree. EU is under "XCom-Enemy-Unknown", while EW is under "XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW".

Try this to test that the loose DGC.INI file is loading:

* Edit the DGC.INI as follows:

Replace the Original 'eItem_Shotgun' line 'Properties[1]=eWPAssault' entry with '=eWP_Anyclass' as shown below. You can just copy and paste this SINGLE line with any text editor. (Save your '.BAK' file to restore the original DGC.INI.)


* Load any previous save where you are in the XCOM base (the Strategy game phase) or play a new game to that point, go into the Barracks, View Soldiers, and change the Loadout of a Support class (which couldn't without this change and doesn't have any other class restrictions that might prevent it, as is the case with a Heavy). The 'vanilla' DGC.INI that's in the embedded 'Resource cache' only permits an Assault to equip a Shotgun. With this change, any class can that doesn't have other built-in restrictions.
* Anyone other than an Assault class equipping a Shotgun proves you are loading the DGC from the correct '\config' folder.


Ref: [How to DIY common mod solutions]


Edited by dubiousintent
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If Resource Hacker worked, then it means your "Enable INI loading" hack failed. Use one or the other but not both (to avoid confusion; the loose INI file will override any RH changes).


Most likely reason for any failure to load the DGC.INI is that (assuming you have the EW version of the game) you modified the DGC.INI in the wrong folder tree. EU is under "XCom-Enemy-Unknown", while EW is under "XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW".



Thanks for the answer!

I'm pretty sure I touched nothing in the XEW-Folder except renaming the launcher....


Anyway, RH works and mods using PatcherGUI work, too (e.g. the camera mod).

I'm glad I gave the game a 2nd try - makes lot of fun... so I prefere playing over touble shooting atm... :dance:



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