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Switching faces for morrigan to leliana


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I don't have the codes handy right now, but what you'd need to do is rename the morph (.mor) file for them. (every character has their own face code/file).


Just download any file that offers a replacement face for Morrigan and Leliana and you'll be able to see what the file is named. I think Morrigan's is:


and leliana's is:



If you take the Morrigan face file and rename it to Leliana's and vice versa, their faces should switch.

You'll need the toolset to extract their morph files so that you can rename them, however, unless you're willing to use ones that you download from someone's mod.

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there is also a mod that has morrigan robes that are wearable by any female character. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=441

If you dont like the stats on it, then you can alter it in-game using the Winter Forge. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=122


A note about using other modder's morphs and switching them. Sometimes you do have to open them in the toolset. Because they sometimes have the character's name IN the morph file itself, not just the filename. In which case, it would show up as the morph on both characters. Morrigan and leliana.

If that happens, just open up the toolset, drag and drop the morph file in. Then where it says hf_genfl_morrigan or hf_genfl_Leliana, change it to the character that you're wanting it for.


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