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Even if yo udon't have the body, you should be able to resurrect clover by using the base ID, right? Then use the command player.placeleveledactoratme base_id to bring clover to you.


Or try player.moveto 000384d8 (that's her ref ID) I think that should bring you to her body, not sure.


But yeah if you didn't buy her you'll also need to resurrect eulogy jones to buy her from him.

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I am not sure about this, but i think you must click on the char after that and also console "enable".



Even if yo udon't have the body, you should be able to resurrect clover by using the base ID, right? Then use the command player.placeleveledactoratme base_id to bring clover to you.


Or try player.moveto 000384d8 (that's her ref ID) I think that should bring you to her body, not sure.


But yeah if you didn't buy her you'll also need to resurrect eulogy jones to buy her from him.

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