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Is there anyway to remove the ally/enemy target ring that is under everyone's feet when engaging in combat? I can't find this anywhere on the internet I'm sure it's just a quick script edit but I am not good at these things so I come to you guys for help, I always disable the target ring/target arrow/target highlight for every game because I feel it takes away from the game and I really don't need them, I know exactly what I'm fighting who my enemy's are and who my allies are, i can play the game blindfolded I just hate having those little rings around me I do not need them at all, when there is a giant dragon in front of me I don't need a ring telling me its the enemy.


Please someone if you have any info on this it would be greatly appreciated if you would help, I cannot find this anywhere on the internet and have been searching for days,


thanks for reading!


- notaddc

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Yeah, there's two versions of it. One that makes them invisible, and the other where they are very faded.


No, you cant remove the file altogether. That will cause you all kinds of errors and/or crashing, as the game willl be constantly trying to find a file that no longer exists.

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