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C.K help and Mod Neck Seam Warning and possible solutions? Hopefully.


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I use extremely beautiful lydia, which I now regret!!!
This mod seems to change every single NPC females face color, resulting in a immersion destroying neck seam on every NPC.
I use CBBE also.

I have deleted all of my body mods and it still persists, texblend does not fix the problem, the lydia mod apparently still stays in the game once removed from nmm, if I uncheck the mod in WYREBASH the game CTDS quickly in the load screen.

I have tried installing in different orders as well and no dice, lydias face turns dark brown! lol

I am pretty far in the game and reluctant to start a new game at this point, but I am going to try to find a solution and post it in this thread.

There was one time that I installed a mod and it must have changed the femalehead.dds (i hardly know what im talking about) because lydia was vanilla for a moment, so I know it is possible to get rid of it.

I am curious also if anyone has tried the CTRL+F4 fix in situations like this, I haven't gotten into the Creation Kit yet so I'm really green.

If anyone has any suggestions or suffering from the same problems post here, maybe we can find a solution together.

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