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Real Elders?


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Sorry if this question has already been answered or modded, but why is it that Skyrim Elders all look about 90 years of age when in their forties/fifties.


I'm 60 years of age and I really, REALLY do not have the kind of wrinkles and the haggard looks of these poor wretches.


I know that life was very hard in the era suggested by the game, but it would be nice if some of the faces on the Elders were softened a little so that a 40-year old doesn't have to look ready for the embalmer?


Is there anyone out there who agrees and has the skills/energy and time to do produce a mod to achieve this?


If on the other hand there is already a mod that does so, could someone point me at it please as I cannot find one using either the site search or Google search.



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I believe there are already mods that do this


Now THAT was informative and necessary post!

OP especially mentioned that:

"If on the other hand there is already a mod that does so, could someone point me at it please as I cannot find one using either the site search or Google search."


Anyhow, I can't recall seeing any mods that actually enhance elder people.

Many mods are made for general character enhancements but I can't just remember seeing anything that "fixes" elder people.

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Hi Shadowjin,



Anyhow, I can't recall seeing any mods that actually enhance elder people.

Many mods are made for general character enhancements but I can't just remember seeing anything that "fixes" elder people.


Unfortunately I don't have the graphics skill to do it myself and I admire those who can. Ah well, it was just a thought....many thanks for replying.


All the best

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi monganfinn,


Many thanks for the pointer, very much appreciated.


I downloaded a couple of the files and extracted the "Male Old" folder from each, then tried them in Skyrim one at a time. Unfortunately I couldn't see any difference whatsoever between the original old faces and the modded old faces.


The reason that I am trying to find a less "intensely" lined face is because (like many people) I have used the Creation Kit to add in my own NPC's.....but as the game progressed they unconciously "grew" into an actual family, to the point where my character's household now contains a) the wife, b) the kids, C) the wife's two sisters and d) the mother-in-law!


Yes, even the M-I-L lives with them...mind you she's REALLY impressive with a two-handed Ebony battle-axe!


With that in mind you'd think that there would be no objection to her having quite a heavily-lined face....except that she is actually a full-blooded vampire (the wife took "the cure")....and what are female Vampires famous for? For not letting go of their good-looks for some considerable time.....


....which hopefully explains why I am looking for a "softer" lined face for his "darling" mother-in-law. I'd like to be able to portray her as 750 year-old vampire who still looks good but definitely older than her daughters.


All rather long-winded and abit sad I suppose but hell, why not....it's my own version of "immersive"?


Anyhow, I'll keep looking and thanks again for your help.


All the best

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What a good husband you are!! :D


If you simply want to change the apparent age fo vamps:

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41634/? - should do the trick.


Or for a regular female face lifting:

koryotiger - Realistic Old Age for Women
tktk - Pretty Face
Hello Santa - SG Female Textures Renewal

CBBE skin texture V2 V3
plus Thepal and UNP compatible by navetsea

For head colormap,
Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents by pikkatze

For head normal map,
High-Res Female Nord Skin by nuska

Better females by Bella natural http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26113/?

Younger Females - Realistic young female faces by Chanon

Better females by Bella http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2812/?

Beauty Faces for females by necKros

Amazing Smooth Females Complete by Zalzama

Really Smooth Female Faces by Zalzama

- if you still can´t find a solution with all those then I am beaten! :blush:


Good luck!

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What a good husband you are!!


I'm sure you can guess why my character spends ALOT of time out in the wilds and inside dungeons....somehow things seem rather more "peaceful" in those locations! :laugh:


But many, many thanks for that list as it is pretty obvious that some of those mods will sort things out for me (I suspect I must have been using the wrong keywords in my searches as I haven't been playing this game for very long). :blush:


Your help is very, VERY much appreciated, fantastic and thanks again. :cool:

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