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360 Controller, FWE, and You


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I just installed FWE, MMM, and WMK on my Fallout and love it.


Now, I need to figure out the best solution to my controls... Basically I now have a sprint, bullet time, and night vision keys that need to be set. And I use a 360 controller...


My solution for now is to run Xpadder (keyboard emulation software for 360 controller) to bind Shift (sprint) to the right joystick click, B (bullet time) to the left shoulder button, and N (nightvision) to the downward D-Pad... But it has issues....


Shift shares the command with Grab... No big deal, you don't use both at the same time and I don't see running into many problems with that.


B shares the same control as Toggle 3rd Person View... I haven't had a chance to test it thoroughly, but this might be tolerable... Basically it's going to kick me into 3rd person whenever I try to go to bullet speed. This will be a pain eventually as I'm going to end up in the view I don't want and turning it off is going to toggle what I don't want, etc...


And using the N on the Dpad down for the nightvision is... less than ideal. That means all 3 downward hotkeys can't be used normally now because they'll all toggle NV.


One of the big problems is you can't unmap 360 controller buttons in the game. You can only remap them to another button and the commands hooked to those buttons swap. If I could unmap 3rd person so that I had a button dedicated to only do bullet view, I'd be a LOT more happy. And if I could do that, I'd unmap the back button (wait) and set that to nightvision...


And before I get flamed for using a controller in the PC version of the game, I'm deployed to afghanistan and desk space for personal computers doesn't exist =P

Thanks for any help/suggestions!

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