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Any Good Scripters Out There?

Bolgo The Madd

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Hey I've got this 7 page script from LAP...


Its awesome, and he said I could do whatever with it so I wanted to change 2 things.


1 - make the lock bashing work off of player attacking / or object being attacked (by player)... you get the idea.

2 - make a version of does not trap a chest, so I can put it on locked quest chests that don't require a key.


I've spent a week on it, and I still can't wrap my head around it.

I'd mail someone ... my spare change as compensation for helping me.

I've got a version of the script that I THOUGHT would work, but nope...

I could also send you the full script.


PM me - lets make a deal....



glut glut



Bolgo The Madd

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