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Haveing trouble downloading into game

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Alright so I was able to succesfully download the Oblivion Mod Manager and actually got something to work, now however II'm unsure of what to do with mods that com in a zip folder or a regular folder without immediatly going to OMM.


What should I do? Do I copy and paste the files directly into the game file? And if so WHERE should I put them?


An example of one of the Mod's I'm trying to put in is Demon Blooded and HGEC_Body_v1dot21-15802

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I have a set of help files for people who are not computer geeks and are new to mods. They include downloading, extracting (unzipping) installing and activating mods. I have included a simple mod to practice on and instructions for installing and using 7-zip. If you are interested, click on the highlighted link below to be taken to the site where they are kept. I recommend starting with #1 and working your way through them.




If you use them I would appreciate some feedback as to what needs improvement and what works for you.

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