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Reach BETA


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:thumbsup: Play Invasion. It has just been added and with a new map called Boneyard. It is Spartans VS Elites.


Yeah, been playing that for a while now.


It's really quite good.


I also had one of those really, epic moments. Basically, my mate was being attacked by three elites, and I was driving to him in a tank. I found him, and I fired a rocket at them. As soon as I fired, my mate used armorlock and survived that explosion. He then got out of armor lock, killed the remaining elite and climbed into the tanks gunner seat.


Oh, and try going into armor lock as a warthog or something comes at you, you flip it over into the air, it looks amazing.



Anyway, feel free to add me on XBL! Gamertags in my signature.

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Anyway, feel free to add me on XBL! Gamertags in my signature.


I can't since I have some setting where I cannot add people. I don't even know the password to disable it. :wallbash:


Ah, you have family settings on. :teehee:

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  • 5 weeks later...
Don't even get me started on what I disliked about the beta. I played it and unless MAJOR changes are made to long list of things, I won't be buying the full game when it's released.
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