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FO3 Personal Journal Request


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Hello Modders and Advocates,


I was wondering if anyone would be interested in developing a mod that allows the player to enter their own journal entries during their game. I'd like to preface this by saying I have NO knowledge of scripting, coding or anything like that so if this sounds like an impossible feat please forgive my ignorance!


I see it as something simple like this:


An accessible journal that a user can go into (through the PIPBOY I assume. or perhaps a specially tagged book item)

- They can type into the journal their own ideas and entries through keyboard input

- It be neat if it auto dated itself per entry based on the Day/Time or even simply - day1 day2 etc.


I think the idea is just to have your own notes/story develop in game - so you can feel like your character has more of a personality. Also if you step away from your game for long periods of time you can reread your own entries, in your own words, and get back into the action.



Like I said just an idea, and I hadn't seen anyone mention it in these forums. Please I would love thoughts and opinions about this. Thank you kindly!


- Slinky

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Be nice but it ain't happening.


Blunt and straight to the point, fair enough. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose, is it totally not possible? I have seen some incredible things modded into this game but you're saying there is just no way to get text input into the game?

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Nope. None that I've seen, and you're hardly the first to ask.


I'm sorry did I do something to offend you? You seem like a very curt and rude person - i don't even know you and you're reacting to my request like I had just spit in your face. It was a request, in a request forum. I suppose if I asked for more BUSH on the female meshes that would get more informative replies. Thank you for your incredibly dry and unhelpful response.

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I think he's taking it the way that people normally try and request models.


Simply put, a journal mod would require too much coding and most feel it's not a good venture to go through. My recommendation is to find immersion elsewhere or take up coding yourself and see if you can do it.

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Sorry. No, you didn't offend. It's just that if you try to break the news gently and say "Well, maybe if you get a good coder" People assume that's a yes and insist on bumping the thread to the point where it becomes necrotic.

Again, I'm sorry, as I didn't mean to be curt or rude. Just straight to the point.


.....And, if you started another thread about type3 or one of it's imitators I honestly wouldn't have bothered replying.

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