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A few mod ideas


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There's a few mods I wish existed, but don't (or I haven't found them yet).

I might want to get into some basic Skyrim modding, so which of these ideas would be the easiest to do?


  • Display NPC/creature level behind name:

My Skyrim is deleved, so it would be helpful if I could see what level NPCs and creatures are. Just in paranthesis behind their name would be best.

  • Create notes/books:

I'd love to be able to write notes and books ingame that become unique items just like any other unique item you can find in Skyrim.

  • Taming:

I know there's already a mod for this, but I don't like the way it does things. I'd like any beast you tame to become basically like any regular follower (with less features), instead of a system involving teleporting/summoning/storing.

  • Followers loot/pick up items:

Not much more to it. A mod that makes followers (possibly all NPCs) loot corpses and pick up items.

  • Followers' horses follow:

I'm using Convenient Horses and Horse Branding. It works fine: my followers ride horses branded with the follower mark. The problem is, I can make my own horse follow me with Convenient Horses, but not my followers' horses.

  • Quest log overhaul:

An entirely new and separate interface which just displays quests information differently. Should be able to show/hide quests, category and sorting options, stuff like that.

So yeah, if any of these exist, please point me to them, if not, which one is the easiest to do? Other than that, consider these requests :D



Edited by burbibur
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- For the making notes, you can try 'Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn' or 'Personal Notebook - Journal Mod'. I haven't downloaded these mods myself, but they do come close to what you are seeking.

- 'Convienient Horses' might do what you are seeking when it comes to the horses.

- With followers looting, I think you can ask them to do it just in game, with no mods? I'm not entirely sure.


I hope I helped, sorry if it wasn't. I wish I could be more helpful, but I haven't really played in a bit. :sweat:

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Thanks for your replies.


I'm currently using the Journal of the Dragonborn mod, it's pretty nice. The other I've seen, but it seems a bit too involved to me with the external editor and everything.

I switched from Convenient Horses to Horse Commands because it's much simpler, but it seems to be bugged somewhat, and it doesn't have a "stop following" command. I don't remember if it had the possibility to release horses, but I will probably switch back anyway.


Loot and Degradation looks interesting. I had seen it before, must have looked over the NPCs looting functionality :P



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