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More 'immersive' Primary Needs


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With Primary Needs, the character needs to eat and drink, soooo...wheres it all going? Nowhere? That would violate the laws of physics. Somebody should add the necessity to answer the 'call of nature'. Just like the 'You are hungry' messages, you should get 'You have to take a crap/leak'. These would also escalate if not attended to, like the hunger and thirst needs. 'Dude, you REALLY need to stop and take a crap!' Then if you dont, he goes in his pants, with an appropriate sound effect.
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That'd be equally funny and immersive LOL.

Sorry Mr. Angry Overmuscled Mutant, I have to take a pee.


On a side note, and now that we're talking about immersion regarding health...

I think it could be great if there were disabled NPCs too.

I mean, with Amplified Crippled Effects you can get yourself and your enemies actually crippled during combat, but I think it'd be interesting that there were, for instance, permanently crippled or disabled NPCs in the Wasteland (or even blind or deaf people). It'd help to get over the false impression that everyone is perfectly healthy and fine in such a harsh enviroment.

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That'd be equally funny and immersive LOL.

Sorry Mr. Angry Overmuscled Mutant, I have to take a pee.

Im sure angry, overmuscled mutants are accustomed to seeing humans pee in their pants as soon as they appear.


a side note, and now that we're talking about immersion regarding health...

I think it could be great if there were disabled NPCs too.

I mean, with Amplified Crippled Effects you can get yourself and your enemies actually crippled during combat, but I think it'd be interesting that there were, for instance, permanently crippled or disabled NPCs in the Wasteland (or even blind or deaf people). It'd help to get over the false impression that everyone is perfectly healthy and fine in such a harsh enviroment.

Handicapped supermutants? Sounds reasonable, only problem though is most of the mutant strongholds Ive come across dont have wheelchair access. Would a mute supermutant have to use sign language to growl at you? Hmmm...

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well... you will hate me for this but.....


there is no way in the fallout universe that a "mutie" can be handicapped, you see, that FEV thingy gives'em the supernatural ability to regenerate themselves. BUT, i was also thinking about permanently crippled people, sort of veterans or in that case survivors.


mmmm maybe make'em force to equip a certain "limbless" clothes???

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I was mainly thinking about people too...

In fact the "limbless clothes" idea is awesome and shouldn't be too difficult to script, should it?

Maybe the Amplified Crippled Effects mod could be also applied to these NPCs so they limp when walking and can't run *just wondering aloud*

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