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GECK furniture marker Crash

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I'am a fairly veteran modder, but I've stumbled upon a problem.

Ok, example.

I create a new form id of let's say the suburban couch. Then I edit the texture to my liking and add it to my newly named couch. After that I save it in GECK.

When I enter that cell with the newly retextured couch it crashes.

Now I've narrowed this problem down to furniture markers. So anything with a furniture marker that i make a new form id & retex crashes.

I've tried couches, chairs, and beds. This also occurs when I make a new nif and import it into the GECK.

So, if I import my new nif without furniture markers, in other words as a static, it works perfectly fine.

Anyone else have this problem? Is it the GECK furniture markers or what?

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Thanx to an outstanding member of Fallout 3 Underground, I figured it out.

GECK has a problem with texture sets concerning furniture markers.

So, in nifskope I directly chose my new texture via BSShaderTextureSet.

This also cut out the extra step of creating a new texture set for any new object I create in the GECK! Yes!

Hopefully this will be helpful for people with similar problems.

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  • 6 months later...

So, I've stumbled upon the same problem? How exactly do I do that? I can insert the .dds textures into that NIF, but when do I insert the normal textures and when the ones with _n?




1. If using a Furniture NIF, do not select a texture from the GECK, but:

2. Open NIFSkope

3. Open the selected flie

4. Open BSFadeNode at the left hand side

5. Open NiTripsStrips (left hand)

6. Open BSShaderPPLightningProperty

7. Open BSShaderTextureSet

8. At the bottom, click on the purple flower-like icon

9. Open the texture (not the _n, but the normal one)

10. Open the list Textures at the bottom screen

11. Click the second purple flower and choose the texture (not the _n one)

12. Click the third purple flower, and choose the _n texture

13. Click the fourth, open normal texture

14. Click the fifth, open _n texture

15. Do this until they're all filed

16. Import NIF into GECK

Edited by Deadliest Shade
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