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Vault X


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Okay, here goes.


I have an idea for an entirely new quest, based on Fallout 3's version of the Secret Vault.


Its name will be Vault X. The purpose of the Vault was to combine the technology and experiments from the other vaults.


101-How to handle complete control over their lives by an Overseer.

92-Imperative. How to control people's minds with sound.

87-How to create a faster, better, stronger soldier.

108(?)-How to cause soldiers to go into a killing frenzy.


Combining the results from all of the other vaults, the purpose of Vault X was to create an army of super-soldiers for Vault-Tec. They would use technology stolen from anyone they contracted to, including the Army, the Enclave, RobCo, and even Nuka-Cola.


Their ultimate goal was to create the "Vault Armor", a set of super power armor, with stealth and overdrive capabilities. Most of the scientists died, because the vault was not meant to completely block radiation. the only one left is 404 Happy Spark (halo reference =] ) , a ZAX AI using

the personality of Albert Einstein. Or Nikola Tesla. probably the latter. He imprisons you inside the Vault, and forces you to collect samples of all the Power Armor types in the game. This includes ALL of the Enclave variants, the Brotherhood Armor, and possibly the T-5lb.


Im still working on the quest log. note that i have no experience modding, and would prefer that someone else did this as long as i get credit as co-creator.

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Sounds awesome, but also a lot like the Secret Vault. They were developing their own power armor and mutated deathclaws.



Yeah, i browse the fallout wiki a lot, so i do know a lot of the lore. I'm still trying to come up with a location for it. However, i do have a good idea for the Vault Armor. It could vary, depending on the kinds of armor you brought in. Say, for example, you brought in the Winterized T-51b. 404 Happy Spark would agree to use the advanced technology to create an EXACT copy, and he would incorporate the technology of the Winterized into the vault armor. Meaning, it would gain a bunch of durability. The chart would be


T-5lb-DR goes waaaay up


Tesla-Energy Weapons skill gets added


Hellfire-Fire resist


T-45d- 2 extra points of DR


Ranger Battle Armor- (Note, im only putting that in because i REALLY love this armor.) Extra AP and small guns




i was thinking the armor could use the model of a reskinned Coyote Reflex power armor.

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  • 8 months later...

Is Vault X done yet?



chinese stealth armor will add the stealth field on sneak and reduce the noise of the armor so that for once youll have a set of power armor that doesent clink clank around when your trying to hide

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