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Dovakiin Dragon Priest


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Recently I have been craving to see a mod done for Skyrim, a mod that allows you to get your own dragon priest mask.

I go lot more into detail on a post I did on reddit, but that post hasn't really got a lot of feed back as I hoped it would.

Also someone else on reddit has posted something similar to what I have, but it has been dead for about a month now, some brilliant ideas on there too!

I would really like to see someone make this mod, I think that if you combine (to some degree) the two posts it would be a very good mod, and I have the feeling that most others will agree. I would create this myself but I lack the required skill to do so. I for one am not really good at naming things either, so if you are planing to make this mod and think something else is more appropriate for a name then rename it to your liking.


My post: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2dd517/mod_suggestion_get_you_own_dragon_priest_mask/


ultrasargent's post: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/2ayooh/mask_of_the_dragonborn_mod_request/


Thank you for your time! And please, leave feed back!

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